In about 5 weeks from now (yes, you have lots of time!), you will turn in the final version of this
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Write My Essay For Meassignment. Like the HCP Project, the main assignment here is a multi-modal composition that uses
various rhetorical positions and different types of evidence to make arguments. This one, however, is a
bit different from the first in that over the course of these next few weeks, as you research and evaluate
various sources, and as you draft, craft and organize your thoughts and evidence, you will at some point
have to make a decision to become an advocate for solutions to your central problem in at least one of
the following three ways: 1) you might advocate for one or more specific solutions to the significant
and current political/social/cultural problem that sits at the center of your focus; 2) you might locate
the next steps to potentially solving your project’s central problem; or, 3) you might argue for why the
current solutions do not work and leave your readers with questions about possible next steps. In
other words, your arguments for advocating solutions in combination with the analytical reasons you
provide for why you have chosen to focus on particular solutions will after weeks and weeks of diligent
engagement become a richly-textured thesis statement, one that deepens your articulation of the
problem at hand and argues for convincing for ways to move forward.
The post Wr 39c: argument & research the advocacy project: a multi-modal appeared first on Australia Assessments.
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