End-of-Life Decisions
Planning for End- of- Life is essential since it helps in the development of the peace of mind for both the patient, family, and friends. The process of decision making during this stage of life involves deciding the types of treatments to be used and those not to be applied to the patient. It also includes the expression of preferences by the patient in writing about how events should be performed after the loss of life (Aoun, Breen & Howting, 2014). The process also creates a platform for discussion with family members to communicate important information that will aid reduce confusion after death.
Laws, Policies, And Choices Surrounding End-Of-Life Healthcare Decisions
Different states have different healthcare laws that govern and control the end of life care and decision making. However, there are universal policies that regulate the process of end of life care to help ensure effective outcomes. For instance, it is recommended by law that the physician makes a significant decision in the end- of- life process (Brown & Vaughan, 2013). The involved medical practitioners have the power to make the decisions concerning the patient with minimum input from the affected individual.
Medical practitioners are always the initiators of the conversations about the end- of -life issues between the patient and the family members. It is therefore required by law that the physician takes the central role in the discussion and make leading suggestions of the procedures, sufficient enough to follow (Connolly, Galvin & Hardiman, 2015). Playing the central character at the end of life decision making not only happens because of the superior knowledge the physicians poses but also as a procedure to relieve the family members from guilt and confusion in the case they take a central role in making the decisions. Sample Paper- Nursing Bedside Report
Among the everyday decisions made during the end- of- life care is the removal from the life support machine. According to the healthcare laws, the patient can only be removed from the life support machine with the consent of the patient, if he still can communicate. The closest family member of the patient is tasked with the duty according to the law if the patient cannot make their own decisions (Quill, Back & Block, 2016). Violation of the law, therefore, leads to legal penalties, being charged with murder in worse scenarios.
Sample Paper- Nursing Bedside Report
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