MGT 311 (Organizational Development)
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Week 1
MGT/311 WEEK 1 DQ 1
DQ1: Which of the following employee characteristics have the greatest impact on employee behavior: general attitudes, job satisfaction, emotions and moods, personality, values, or perception? Provide a rational for your choice including examples of assessments and evaluations you might use to determine the characteristics of your employees.
MGT/311 WEEK 1 DQ2
DQ2: How might an individual employee’s personality affect the performance of an organization? If the effect is negative, how might you change this? If the affect is positive, how can you capitalize on this? What examples can you provide of changes you have successfully affected in your organizations? As a manager, how can you use your knowledge of employee characteristics to improve organizational performance Provide specific examples to support your response?
MGT/311 WEEK 1 DQ 3
Review the section in Ch. 5 of your titled, “An Ethical Choice: What If I Have the “Wrong Personality?”
DQ3: As a manager, what do you if you have someone who scores low in desirable personality traits, but their behavior does not reflect this?
· MGT/311 WEEK 1 SUMMARY (150+ Words)
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