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Identify two examples of research studies that were pivotal in causing the existing ethical codes to be refined and updated.When I say final research proposal, this is an idea that you can continue to build upon and can possibly be included as part of your final exam work.

Identify two examples of research studies that were pivotal in causing the existing ethical codes to be refined and updated.When I say final research proposal, this is an idea that you can continue to build upon and can possibly be included as part of your final exam work.

For this assignment answer the following questions in preparation for a final research proposal. When I say final research proposal, this is an idea that you can continue to build upon and can possibly be included as part of your final exam work.

two part
part 1


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1. What areas of psychology interest you the most?

2. Find information on the topic of interest in your Introductory Psychology textbook or any on-line resource, and list some references on that topic.

3 Come up with a research question on your topic of interest topic.

part 2
200 words minimum
1.In what ways is deception used in research?
2.Give an example (CITE THIS EXAMPLE) of deception that you feel is justified and why, in your opinion?
3.Give an example (CITE THIS EXAMPLE) of deception that you feel is unjustified and why, in your opinion?
4.Do some research on your own ( this means cite ) and identify two examples of research studies that were pivotal in causing the existing ethical codes to be refined and updated?



The post Identify two examples of research studies that were pivotal in causing the existing ethical codes to be refined and updated.When I say final research proposal, this is an idea that you can continue to build upon and can possibly be included as part of your final exam work. appeared first on Nursing Nursing.

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