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Discussion: Systems Of Nonprofit Organizations

In the United States, nonprofit organizations collectively manage over $3 trillion in assets and spend approximately $1 trillion per year on programs and services. Given this level of responsibility, it is important that nonprofit or charitable organizations have systems in place that will ensure long-term strength and viability. Examples would be Board of Directors, strong accounting, and fiscal management practices.

For this Discussion, choose a nonprofit, charitable, or non-governmental organization of interest. Consider the “range of impacts” of the organization of interest (Smith, 2012).


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Post a description of your organization. Then explain the systems of your chosen nonprofit and whether the characteristics were different historically. Evaluate the “range of impacts” attributed to your organization. Use the organization’s own published information to support your discussion points and cite them in your post using APA format for in-text citations.


Renz, D. (Ed.). (2010). The Jossey-Bass handbook of nonprofit leadership and management (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

· Chapter 1, “Historical Perspectives on Nonprofit Organizations in the United States”

The Nonprofit Almanac. (2016, November 22). Retrieved August 31, 2017, from 

Wing, K., Roeger, K., & Pollack, T. H. (2010). The nonprofit sector in brief: Public charities, giving and volunteering, 2010. Retrieved from 

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