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Clearly identify the core problem

• What is the background to the case study? • What (The Internet) research could I use to understand the issues? • What solutions are desirable / possible? • What solutions are suggested / supported by research? • What are the legal and ethical considerations? • What would be my role?
Step 3. Use the SWOT (SO-WO-ST-WT) provided to record your ideas/analysis. Step 4. Use one more suitable tool like Portfolio Analysis, Competitive Profiling, etc. to develop better understanding of the situation in the case. Step 5. Collect information about the current situation of the firm/ enterprise. Perform a thorough analysis of the current situation as well. Step 6. Suggest solutions and make assumptions explicitly clear. Step 7. You must communicate what did you learn from this case study and how can you generalize. How to write the case study report? An effective case study report should
• Clearly identify the core problem(s) / issues • Analyze the issues underlying the problem • Discuss and justify alternative solutions using theory / experience • Present feasible recommendations • Be presented in an appropriate format
The report format Introduction
Overview of the situation and identification of key issues underlying the problems identified in the case study
Main body
Present and analyze the issues. Consider and assess possible solutions in terms of theoretical grounding, strengths and weaknesses and possibly risk factors. Draw from both literature and experiences. Collect as much information as possible from the Internet about the current position of the firm.

Summarize main findings. Identify and justify strategy proposed. You must mention the important issues that you learn from the case study.
Recommendations Recommendations should be in line with your analysis. May be separate or within conclusions Appendices -A compilation of supplementary and illustrative material. Do not include items that are not mentioned in the report.
Bibliography – A list of sources consulted or referred to in alphabetical order of authors’ name(s).
Tables, charts, graphs and diagrams – may be included within the report or added in the appendices. Used in the appendix, they avoid cluttering up the main text and do not add to your overall word count.
All illustrations should be clearly labeled and numbered, and referred to in the report. Pitfalls of case study analysis You may lose marks when analysis fails to:
Identify the real problem, focusing on describing the case study situation and missing the underlying issues Separate the strategic management issues form the operational issues Identify for whom the issue is a problem (that means you fail to identify key decision makers) • Examine possible alternatives • Present a realistic implementation plan • Address the specific issues • Support their ideas with evidence from research, studies or theories


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