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BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s).
I understand that if I If I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me according to the
process explained to me.
I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
I understand the rights to re-assessment
I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Student name
Student ID number
Student signature Date
Task Number

Develop teams and individuals
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Assessment Guidelines
Assessment Schedule 9
Task 1: Determine Development Needs 10
Task 2 – Develop Teams and Individuals 17
Task 3: Monitor and Evaluate Training 25
Performance Criteria 35
Foundation Skills 37
Assessment methods and tasks 38
Assessment mapping summary 39
Record of Assessment Outcome 41
References / recommended resources 42
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Assessment Instructions
You are advised to commence work on your assessment from week 1 and must submit all the tasks
by their due dates.
Written work
The assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and underpinning skills and
knowledge of the unit of competency. When answering please ensure you address each criteria
and sub point, demonstrate your research of each of the questions and cover the topic in a logical
and structured manner.
Active participation
It is a condition of enrolment that you actively participate in your studies. Active participation is
completing all tasks on time.
Plagiarism is taking and using someone else’s thoughts, writings or inventions and representing
them as your own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a student’s exclusion from a
course. When you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessment,
please consult your trainer/assessor. The following list outlines some of the activities for which a
student can be accused of plagiarism:
• Presenting any work by another individual as one’s own unintentionally
• Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another student
• Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work
• Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including
assessments taken
totally or in part from the Internet
We are treating plagiarism seriously. We may use Turnitin to check your submitted work.
You must be careful when copying the work of others. The owner of the material may take legal
action against you if the owner’s copyright has been infringed. You are allowed to do a certain
amount of copying for research or study purposes. Generally, 10% or one chapter of a book is
acceptable, where the participant is studying with, or employed by, an educational institution.
Competency Outcomes
Each activity in this assessment tasks will be marked as either Complete or Incomplete.
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If your work is marked as Incomplete, you will be provided with feedback from your assessor. You
will be required to make changes to your submission according to the feedback and re-submit
during the term, ensuring your assessor will have at least 7 days to re-mark the work.
Do not leave assessment submissions for the last day. This will increase your chances for being
marked as Incomplete. Re-submissions after the term will incur additional fees.
Please note you will not be able to gain competency if any of your tasks are not fully completed
Reasonable Adjustment
Students with career responsibilities, cultural or religious obligations, English as an additional
language, disability etc. can request for reasonable adjustments.
The Academic Manager and student’s Trainer/Assessor must be notified if any reasonable
adjustments are required. All evidence and supplementary documentation required for reasonable
adjustments must be emailed to your Trainer or Academic Manager in Sydney or Melbourne
Recognition of Prior Learning
If a you wish to apply for RPL, you must consult with the Academic Manager who will provide
you with information on RPL process and the type of evidence required in order to be assessed.
You will be requested to complete an application form for RPL with accompanying evidence and
pay the required fees.
You will also be notified prior to acceptance of any payment that shortening of the course may
result in the requirement to make an adjustment to the student’s CoE in PRISMS to indicate the
shorter study period and/or earlier completion date.
Applications for RPL must be submitted 21 days prior to the commencement of the course
For further information, please visit the following links:
RPL Application Form is available on our website
Re- assessment
You are eligible for a re-assessment at the discretion of the Academic Manager and/or Assistant
Academic Manager and/or Trainer/ of Greenwich Management College
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If a you have attempted the assessment, but deemed as ‘Not Yet Competent’ (NYC), you are
entitled to a reassessment.
In this case, a re-assessment fee of $100 per unit must be paid (in full) prior to the submission
due date of a re-assessment.
If a you have not attempted the assessments during the term when the unit was offered, you
must pay a re-assessment fee of $250 per unit.
You can choose to do a re-assessment within twelve (12) weeks of receiving your final result.
Once you have filled out the re-assessment form and have made the payment, you have seven
(7) days to complete re-assessment and submit it via email to your trainer.
For further information on reassessment policies and procedure please visit the following links:
Terms and conditions of re-assessment
For reassessment forms and applications
Learning support
If you require further assistance in your learning, GMC encourages you to reach out to your
Trainer to discuss the areas that you believe you need further assistance with. If you require
further support after consulting your trainer, please see a Student Services Officer who can
arrange a time to discuss your concerns with the VET Academic department.
Appeals against assessment decision
If you do not agree with the assessment decision or believe that you have been unfairly treated,
you can appeal the decision. You must discuss this with your assessor who has marked your
assessment first. If you still do not agree with the assessment outcome, you may request for a
If you wish to lodge an appeal and request re-assessment, you must request this in writing to
Greenwich Management College.
For further information, please visit the following link:
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Course Credits
If you have been deemed competent in particular unit as part of a prior qualification, you may be
eligible for credit transfer. To apply for Credit Transfer, you must submit the following
documentation to Greenwich Management College:
• Credit Transfer Application Form -available on our website
• Certified copies of your transcripts.
For further information on credit procedures please visit the following link:
Assessment Preparation
Please read through this assessment thoroughly before beginning any tasks. Ask your assessor
for clarification if you have any questions at all.
When you have read and understood this unit’s assessment tasks, complete the Assessment
Cover Page. Fill it out, sign it, and upload it to GOALS with your completed work.
Keep a copy of all of your work.
Naming electronic documents
It is important that you name the documents that you create for this Assessment Task in a logical
Each should include:


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Course identification code
Assessment Task number
Document title (if appropriate)
Student name
Date it was created

Assessment Task Cover Sheet
This must be filled out, signed and submitted together with your assessment responses.
The Cover Sheet should be the first page of each task’s submission.
If you are submitting electronically, print out the cover sheet, fill it out and sign it, then scan this
and submit the file.
If your work has been assessed as being not satisfactory, your assessor will include written
feedback on GOALS giving reasons why. Your assessor will also discuss this verbally with you and
provide advice on re-assessment opportunities as per GMC re-assessment policy.
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Depending on the task, this may include

resubmitting incorrect answers to questions (such as short answer questions and case
resubmitting part or all of a project, depending on how the error impacts on the total
outcome of the task
redoing a role play after being provided with appropriate feedback about your performance
being observed a second (or third time) undertaking any tasks/activities that were not
satisfactorily completed the first time, after being provided with appropriate feedback.

Assessment Task Instructions

These give questions to answer or tasks which are to be completed.
Your answers need to be typed up using software as indicated in the Assessment Task Instructions.
Copy and paste each task’s instructions into a new document and use this as the basis for your
assessment task submission. Include this document’s header and footer.
If you are submitting electronically, give the document a file name that includes the unit identification
number, the task number, your name and the date

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Assessment Guide
You are advised to commence work on your assessment from week 1 and all tasks must be submitted by
the due date.
1. All assessments must be completed and delivered individually. Where an assessment involves
group discussions, you should consider the input of your group but submit an individual
assessment to GOALS.
2. Please read all instructions on completing each assessment. Instructions for completion are
provided at the beginning of each assessment.
3. All written answers must be typed in a word document using Arial font, 12 size and single spacing
if similar instructions are not provided in the assessment.
4. Your trainer will not be able to assist you in answering questions. However, your trainer will
address any issues concerning questions requiring further explanation.
5. You may refer to your Learner’s Guide or any other relevant resources when completing your
6. Assessments are due for submission as specified in the assessment schedule. Any variations to
this arrangement must be approved by your trainer prior to the due date for submission.
7. You have access to computers which are equipped with 2010 Microsoft suite of products or any
other relevant software such as MS office and printing facility.
8. Use assessment templates if provided, to complete relevant sections of the assessment.
9. You must achieve a satisfactory result for all tasks to achieve competency in this unit.
10. All assessment answers should be submitted to GOALS in required format (soft or hard copy) as
per Assessment instructions with completed assessment cover sheet.
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Assessment Schedule

Week Tasks to complete /
Learner Sign off Trainer Sign off / Date Comments
Week 1 Learning Activity
Week 2 Task 1:
Report Portfolio
Week 3 Learning Activity
Week 4 Task 2:
Written questions, Role
play, Portfolio DUE
Week 5 Learning Activity
Week 6 Task 3:
Portfolio, Reflection,
Role-play, Report DUE

Comments/feedback to participant
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Task 1: Determine Development Needs
Performance objective
You will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to determine development needs of individuals within the
Assessment description
For this task you will need to research the legislative requirements that can impact on decisions you may make
regarding professional development programs for individuals at a workplace. Additionally, you will need to create
tools to gather feedback from stakeholders, aimed at making collaborative decisions to identify training needs for
individuals and within the team. You will then collect and evaluate feedback.
Part A: Legislation report
1. Use the web resources listed in Section 1 of your Student Workbook under ‘Legislation’ and enter the site
of the Commonwealth Government body that administers the national anti-discrimination legislation.
2. Answer the following questions.
a. What is the name of the anti-discrimination body?
b. List the titles of the different legislation, including the year, that govern anti-discrimination for the
Commonwealth or federal government.
c. Since July 1 2009, most Australian workplaces are governed by a system created by the Fair Work
Act 2009. Who administers this act and what do they do in relation to enforcing Commonwealth
workplace law?
d. Look up the website of the body governing anti-discrimination legislation in your state and list the
name of the administering body and title of the legislation (as required in a. and b. above).
e. In your own words, describe what unlawful discrimination is and how it can occur in regards to
f. Consider the following scenario: Helen had been working as a registrar in a school for many years
and applied to undertake internal training in new information services being developed by the
department. Her application was denied because management thought she was too old to learn
about the new software being implemented.
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i. Has Helen’s employer acted ethically? Justify your response.

ii. How do you think the federal and state authorities will advise Helen in order to resolve the

3. Document the answers to the questions in a brief report and submit to your assessor in accordance with
the specifications below.
Part B: Evaluate performance and learning needs
1. Read the case study in the appendices to this task.
2. Your task is to help Mary self-evaluate her current skills and performance while taking into consideration
the growing demand of organizational requirements. The position she was originally hired for is still
important. Both you and Mary believe that, with some professional development, she can handle the
expanded role because, as she explained, that is what she’s been doing since the business first started.
3. Next, collect feedback on Mary’s performance from other relevant sources, and sit down with Mary to
identify which areas to focus on for her skills development.
Construct a self-evaluation form
1. Using the information provided above and in the case study, create a script which outlines the
conversation you will have with Mary; how you will develop rapport with her, questions you would ask,
your explanation for why and how you will be using a self-evaluation. The script should be approximately
one-page long.
2. To guide Mary’s self-assessment against her professional development needs, you are going to construct
a self-assessment form. This form will present Mary with a summary of her day-to-day duties, including
the new responsibilities she will be undertaking. This is the prelude to a face-to-face interview for Mary,
and will assist both of you to establish her learning needs with those of the team.
3. Develop a self-evaluation form for the areas of performance required by Mary. On the form complete the
a. Identify what the form is for (title, name of respondent, purpose).
b. Construct a question format on the form that summarizes Mary’s daily duties and provides space
for her to rate the level of her skills. Include any relevant areas from the information offered in the
c. Create a section for Mary to record any other areas where she feels a professional development
program would be advantageous.
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Collect feedback from relevant sources
1. Another important source of information/feedback is from the clients that Mary takes calls from and works
with regularly on behalf of the team. Your task is to create a ‘client feedback form’ to collect information
regarding the service Mary delivers to customers of the company.
2. Develop a form to obtain feedback from clients. Focus on the service that Mary would deliver. On the
form, complete the following.
a. Include a title, purpose of the form, and space for name, date and the person’s title/job/position.
b. In consideration of your client’s busy schedule, restrict subject areas to the key skills related to the
placement of orders by phone, providing good service, and follow-up. As you deem appropriate,
use a rating system or other feedback format relevant to the subject matter.
Note: Knowledge of customer service is not being assessed in this instance. Competency is based upon the
ability to collect relevant feedback from a client in regards to Mary’s performance, in the areas outlined in the
3. Submit all documentation to your assessor in accordance with the specifications below.
Part C: Compare feedback on performance with established team learning needs – Evaluation report
1. The feedback from Mary and the clients revealed the following issues.

Clients felt that when they had a complaint or issue to be addressed, they were unsure whether Mary
would fix it.
From personal experience, you have had difficulties with the filing and organization of Mary’s records.
Mary said she felt ‘lost’ at times when handling complaints and issues where order mistakes had
Mary also indicated a desire to improve her knowledge and ability to use spreadsheet and database
programs in regards to the Microsoft Office suite of products.

2. Based upon the information revealed by this process, identify the competencies and/or skill areas that will
provide the skill improvements Mary needs.
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3. In addition to a self-evaluation of needs when selecting courses and training modes, make further
suggestions as to how the training program’s goals, objectives and delivery modes can be collaboratively
developed and agreed upon. Ensure that you implement suggested improvements in future learning
4. What type of training available to workplaces could provide a more valuable outcome for Mary? Consider
potential promotions, the ability to gain alternative employment and also which training will match the
specific skill requirements of competency standards relevant to Mary’s industry. Justify your response.
5. Document the answers to the above three questions in a short report and submit to your assessor in
accordance with the specifications below.
You must submit:
 a short research report which covers questions on legislation
 a script to introduce self-evaluation
 a written employee self-evaluation form
 a written client feedback form
 an evaluation report which identifies areas for employee improvement and outlines possibilities for the
collaborative development of employee training objectives.
Your assessor will be looking for:
1. evidence that you have examined the relevant anti-discrimination legislation
2. evidence of writing skills to develop forms for a specific workplace purpose and using appropriate style
3. evidence that you are able to develop rapport through oral communication
4. identification of effective and collaborative methods for motivating staff to undertake development.
5. evidence that you have reflected on and analyzed the information contained in the case study to develop
appropriate self-evaluation and client feedback surveys
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6. analysis and identification of employee development needs based upon the requirements of the team.
These needs are outlined in the information provided in the case study.
7. evidence of appropriate use of technology to develop forms and conduct research.
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Appendix 1- Case study
You are the supervisor of a relatively new and still-small leather goods import business. Your team ships orders
received mainly by phone, on a business-to-business basis to a regular client network. Mary was a foundation
employee, starting as the Administrative Officer, and looks after the front office. Originally it was planned that
this would be the limit of Mary’s duties but, as the business has developed it has been found that, as other
members of the team are usually busy with other duties, she has become the unofficial Customer Service Officer
for all clients.
The team needs Mary to look after the customers, ensure that their needs are communicated accurately to other
team members, and alert you to any unresolved issues that you need to follow up on.
Mary has become a critical part of the team and you want to make sure she feels that she has your support as
much as possible. To this end, you decide to identify and implement a training/professional development
program for Mary that will help her to handle current demands more efficiently and ensure she has the skills to
meet organizational requirements now and into the future. It is important that Mary feels motivated enough to
finish any program commenced.
Mary’s position description
Position title: Administrative Officer

This position is responsible for the delivery of timely, efficient and effective high-level administrative
and/or secretarial services.

Major accountabilities

8. Provide a full range of secretarial and administrative support to staff in a timely and effective
manner. This includes processing and monitoring accounts for payment.
9. Maintain positive relationships with fellow staff members and behave courteously to clients and
10. Provide timely and effective organization of meetings, including preparing agendas,
collation/distribution of discussion papers and taking minutes as directed.
11. Produce reports, correspondence, presentations and spreadsheets in a timely and accurate
12. Other administrative duties as directed.

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Selection criteria

Generic criteria (competencies, skills and attitudes)
13. Provide first contact reception to visitors.
14. Direct phone calls as required.
Job-specific essential criteria
15. An understanding of administrative functions and office practices.
16. Relevant experience in providing high-level secretarial and administrative support.
17. Experience using the Microsoft Office suite of products.
18. Relevant experience in organizing and maintaining relevant documentation for meetings.
19. Ability to manage varied and conflicting demands to agreed standards and timelines.
Competency profile
20. Process accounts payable.
21. Maintain effective relationships in the workplace.
22. Achieve work priorities and team goals.
23. Organise meetings.
24. Design and produce text documents and spreadsheets.
25. Manage records and workplace information.

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Task 2 – Develop Teams and Individuals
Performance objective
You will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to develop teams and individuals.
Assessment description
For this task, you will carry out development tasks in three main areas. You will research mentoring and
coaching and answer a series of questions. You will then participate in a role-play to determine the learning
needs of a team member. You will answer a series of scenario-based questions on learning styles. Finally, you
will develop a short learning strategy to meet organizational needs.
Note: The strategy you develop will be used in Assessment Task 3.
Part A: Mentoring and coaching
1. Search the internet or research at a local library in order to answer the following questions.
a. Describe what mentoring is and who could be used as a mentor.
b. In what situation would you use or appoint a mentor?
c. Describe what coaching is.
d. In what situation could a person benefit most from coaching?
e. Describe the differences between the role of a mentor and the role of a coach.
2. Prepare a document to submit to your assessor with the answers to the questions above. Make sure to
include references to your research throughout your answers.
1. Review the MacVille case study information attached to this task.
2. Review the team member profiles.
3. Arrange with your assessor to conduct a role-play. Your assessor will assign or play the role of Maria in
the scenario.
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4. Consider the following scenario.

You are Maria’s supervisor.
Plan a meeting with Maria to discuss workplace learning opportunities with her. Prepare to discuss
Maria’s skills and performance.
Your discussion will be centered on the tasks she performs, her organisational and time management
skills and what you can do to facilitate improvement of those skills.
You should discuss potential learning opportunities and outline how you can help provide those
opportunities to Maria. Opportunities can be in the form of training, networking, mentoring or coaching.
You will need to ensure Maria is in agreement and realizes the benefit of those opportunities to her
Discuss options with Maria in order to provide her with learning opportunities. Ensure you negotiate
agreement on timeframes and learning goals.
Using information provided in Task 1 and scenario, prepare Training Plan template (Appendix 3) for

5. Conduct the role-play. During the role-play, your assessor will be assessing:
a. how you engage with Maria (for example, using questioning and listening skills to determine the
type of learning Maria requires, and how you build a rapport in order to reach agreement with
b. how you overcome resistance to training with persistence and interpersonal skills
c. the conclusions you draw from your conversation and a clear explanation of how you will help the
learning opportunities as her supervisor
d. the planning processes you will use to ensure success (for example, how you will implement and
monitor learning and evaluate its success in collaboration with Maria; your ability to negotiate
timeframes for action).
e. Discuss Training Plan template with Maria. Ensure that you provide answers to all Maria’s queries
regarding the Template.
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Part B: Learning styles
1. Research learning styles, especially behavioral traits that will assist in recognizing these, and what to look
for in a professional development opportunity that best suits an individual’s learning style.
2. Read the case study of team member profiles at the end of this assessment.
3. Consider the following questions.
 For each of the three persons described in the case study, what is the predominant learning style
(visual, auditory, kinesthetic) of each individual? List the clues given in the case study. Justify your
answers and include references to your research.
 If you were arranging training/professional development sessions, describe some strategies that you
would look for in the program delivery descriptions, notes/handouts, and study materials which
might assist the learning of a person favoring each learning style. Describe at least three for each
learning style.
4. Prepare a document for submission to your assessor with answers to the above questions.
Part C: Develop individuals and teams
1. Consider the scenario at the end of this assessment task.
2. Consider your team members’ profiles in the case study.
3. Formulate a training strategy to meet the needs implied by the scenario, including:
a. objectives for the organisation with regard to customer service and internal processes (to be met
with training and development)
b. an explanation of gaps between the current state and the objectives. What are the strengths and
weaknesses of the team? What are their current competencies? What competencies do they
require for their positions?
c. a set of actions to close the gap within the required timelines. What sorts of programs would help
close the gaps?
d. monitoring activities to ensure the strategy stays on track. How will you measure success?
4. Document the strategy to submit to your assessor
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You must:
● participate in a coaching/mentoring role-play
● a set of answers to coaching/mentoring questions
● a set of answers to scenario-based learning style questions
● a training strategy.
● Training Plan Template (Appendix 3)
● Observation checklist
Your assessor will be looking for:
● writing skills to develop strategies using appropriate business language and style
● oral communication and listening skills to identify training needs and consult effectively with team
members on their training and development needs
● negotiating skills to agree on outcomes with others
● management skills to interpret own role in developing others to meet business objectives
● planning skills to develop strategies and schedules to meet clear objectives and business needs
● analytical skills to identify learning styles
● research skills to identify references
● ability to use business technologies such as word processing software.
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Appendix 2 – Case study – MacVille
MacVille is a medium-sized coffee importer and retailer serving the Victorian and NSW markets. Its mission is to
provide top-quality coffee and outstanding customer service to its clients. Its vision is to become the leading
coffee supplier in Eastern Australia.
Its strategic objectives include:
 pursuing expansion to drive growth
 building market share
 a focus on customer service
 building capability through professional development.
Organizational structure
Team member profiles
Graham manages the purchasing for your team. This is a critical role for the organization but his ability to
manage multiple tasks and stay focused are what delivers his above-average results. His administration skills
are good and he consistently meets deadlines. His strong personality and his ability to articulate new information
he has briefly heard has served him well on many occasions. Graham does not like reading reports and meeting

MacVille CEO and Board
of Directors
Chief Financial Officer Chief Operations Officer
Sales Department:
Manager Seamus McRae

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minutes, and prefers to call/talk to a person rather than negotiate via email correspondence. Graham has been
doing this job for a number of years and is very capable in what he does. He has confided in you that he is
feeling frustrated with the same old thing each day. He would like to use his considerable skills to help others but
he does not know how to take the next step.
Maria has a similarly strong background in business and administration, and has good knowledge in all aspects
of this area. She has responsibility for maintaining the contact schedule and salespersons’ diary with customers
and suppliers. She develops customer visit schedules for the sales personnel on charts and maps which she
loves to use. Maria knows what needs to be done but sometimes overlooks tasks and directions, usually only
when they are given verbally. When a task is set with a deadline she gets results quickly. Finance is not Maria’s
favorite area and she often leaves this part of her work – including the issue of invoices – to the very last minute.
On occasion, she will work 12-hour days in order to meet deadlines and is subsequently sick for days
Gino consistently has the best sales record out of all the sales team. He could be described as fidgety and a
‘livewire’ but he is an extremely capable communicator. He talks fast and illustrates every point with his hands.
Gino is a very jovial and bright person. His interpersonal skills are high, and he works hard to ensure the team
stays positive and motivated, regardless of the challenges. He loves to know what everyone is up to and, as a
result, he often gets sidetracked from the task at hand and falls behind in his work. This carries on into meetings
that always go over time, as he easily gets bored. Without a strong chairperson, the team gets off course and
Gino now has a major backlog of work that he does not have time to address. He is a team player, and enjoys
seeing the team and organization meet its targets. You know that sometimes his administration can be sloppy,
as he often narrowly avoids getting his orders through to Maria late. You have noticed that Gino tends to take
copious notes when learning something new, and then never seems to refer to them again. His contribution of
communication across the organization and helping people embrace different cultures is highly valuable.
As the supervisor of a team, your manager Seamus has come to see you to discuss the performance of your
team, and you have made the following notes.
● Customer feedback has been received stating sales personnel are always courteous, knowledgeable and
will always assist with enquiries. However, further feedback reveals sales personnel have missed
● The finance department stated that documentation from sales has not been forthcoming on time. This has
affected the invoicing of customers and the payment of suppliers, causing the finance department to
answer calls from angry suppliers. Generally, however, when the documentation does come in, it is
correct, so very few adjustments need to be made to invoices.
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You and Seamus have agreed that professional development is needed and you will analyze each situation and
report back to Seamus on how it will be organized and facilitated. He has also stated he will need to know how
you will monitor and evaluate the outcomes.
Seamus has informed you that these issues must be addressed by the end of this quarter.
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Appendix 3 -Training Plan template

Team member:
Team leader:
Skills to be developed Training delivery
skill level
skill level


Team member has no training.
Team member can’t perform task
Team member can perform task
independently with supervision.
Team member can perform task
Team member can train others to
perform task.

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Task 3: Monitor and Evaluate Training
Performance objective
You will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to monitor and evaluate workplace learning.
Assessment description
Following on from Assessment Task 2, you are required to evaluate a number of short-listed professional
development programs, develop a schedule based on one of the options, collect feedback, negotiate with a team
member on future development opportunities, and submit a report on the professional development of the team
member. Please ensure you using correct technical and organisational vocabulary.
Part A: Plan development opportunities
1. Review the case study and profiles in Assessment Task 2. Also review the training strategy you
2. Review the following scenario.

After collecting the self-evaluation form and discussing professional development needs at a meeting with
Gino, you have both agreed that you and the team require him to upgrade his time management skills.
You have been advised by Seamus (and made Gino aware) that the organisation requires all issues to be
addressed by the end of this quarter (eight weeks only).
Four weeks from now, a review of progress – to monitor the progress of the development program and the
extent of any additional development support, if needed – will be conducted by Gino and yourself.
Gino has supplied you with a short-list of three courses that he believes will address his learning needs and
assist him to manage the current workload he has mounting up. You will find these at Appendix 1. He is happy
for you to decide which of the three programs he will attend.

3. Select one of the three programs short-listed in Appendix 4.
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4. Read the development policy in Appendix 2. Create a training schedule for the program, and outline:
a. dates and times
b. resources
c. breakdown of costs.
5. Write a short reflection on the process you followed to develop and approve your schedule. In your
a. explain how your chosen program meets Gino’s needs. How does this option offer a range of
development opportunities that incorporate activities and support materials appropriate to the
achievement of identified competencies?
b. explain how the program meets the needs of the organization, for example how the program is
compatible with the objectives and strategy you developed in Assessment Task 2. Explain how
proposed timelines and resources required for the learning activity satisfy organizational
c. explain how you will obtain approval for the program. Refer to any applicable policies.
6. Submit your schedule and reflection to your assessor in accordance with the specifications outlined at the
end of this procedure.
Part B: Collect feedback from individuals
1. Review the objectives of the training strategy and consider Gino’s needs with respect to the training
program you have scheduled.
2. Create a questionnaire (on a separate sheet) that can be used by team members such as Gino to
evaluate and assess any professional development courses and/or events that they have attended. Later
in this assessment, this feedback will also be used by you to evaluate the worth of the event to the team
member and to your organisation. This will inform a meeting with the team member and a report.
3. Submit the questionnaire to your assessor in accordance with the specifications outlined at the end of this
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Part C: Assess performance, negotiate future learning and report on professional development
1. Review the following scenario

Four weeks have passed, and Gino has completed the time management course. Seamus has
expressed satisfaction and noted the improvements in the performance of your team against the
objectives set. All team members, with the exception of Gino, are now performing to the level required.
Maria reports coaching by Graham as successful. Graham undergoing mentor and workplace coach
training is of great value to developing other team members.
You still have concerns with Gino’s performance. The mid-term review with Gino has also been
conducted and you have made the following notes summarizing progress and concerns.
● There has been a noticeable improvement in the schedule for client visits being kept by Gino, but
this morning a complaint was received regarding a meeting Gino missed.
● In his defence, Gino stated that Maria had the meeting entered on his schedule, but three fellow
team members had requested his assistance that morning, which had made him late, and when
he called to let the client know he was held up but on his way, they cancelled.
● Gino has demonstrated that the strategies he learnt from the time management course to
address the original concerns have improved his knowledge and strategies in this area.
However, concerns remain about certain situations he is experiencing in the workplace.

2. Arrange with your assessor a time and place to role-play a meeting with Gino. Prepare to discuss Gino’s
performance and negotiate future steps to improve performance, including further professional
development within the organization’s time limit. Prepare for this meeting by considering future
professional development opportunities to suggest to Gino. Explain organisational policy and procedures
for developing teams.
3. Conduct the role-play. Ensure you conduct the meeting with Gino in a respectful and professional manner.
During the role play, ensure you get agreement from Gino on implementation of professional development
opportunities. Record these for reporting purposes.
4. Write a report on Gino’s professional development in accordance with relevant reporting policy.
a. Discuss Gino’s performance. Use at least one example
b. Discuss the professional development activities undertaken to date to develop Gino’s skills.
c. Identify gaps between Gino’s current performance and organizational needs.
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d. Discuss next steps for Gino’s professional development as negotiated with him.
e. Evaluate the success of professional development for Gino and others against organizational
f. Explain organizational policy procedures for for developing teams.
5. Submit your professional development report on Gino to your assessor in accordance with the
specifications outlined at the end of this procedure.
You must:
 Participate in a role-play with Gino to negotiate future options.
 a training schedule for selected option
 a reflection on the process of developing the schedule
 a feedback questionnaire on the training for Gino to complete
 a report on professional development.
 Observation checklist
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Your assessor will be looking for the following:

learning skills to incorporate feedback and performance information into evolution of professional

 writing skills to develop planning and write reports using business vocabulary and style

reading skills to incorporate policy and evaluate different forms of written feedback and performance
oral communication and listening skills to negotiate effectively with team members on their training and
development needs

 management skills to develop others to meet business objectives and evaluate success.
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Appendix 4: Training options
This information supplied by Gino, as supplied to him by the training companies when he approached them.
Option 1
Outline: Delivered by instructor classroom-style over two half-days in the CBD of your closest capital city.
Cost: $695.
Key content
 the value of time management
 analysing your time usage
 setting work goals
 setting work priorities
 leveraging time use and applying the 80/20 rule and the 95/5 rule
 working effectively
 managing your time: strategies and tools
 using technology
 manage time wasters and interruptions
 when and how to delegate
 balancing work and life.
What objectives can be achieved?
1. Plan personal work goals.
2. Organise own work priorities and schedules.
3. Identify and reduce time wastage and stress caused by poor time management.
4. Plan an appropriate balance of work and life.
5. Set up an action plan for improved time management.
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Option 2
Outline: This option is delivered completely online over three sessions. Cost: $495.
Key content
 time management principles
 time management strategies and approaches
 time-saving techniques
 work/life balance
 dealing with time wasters
 identifying action plans.
What objectives can be achieved?
1. Gain more from your time.
Option 3
Outline: This option is delivered with a short online session for each lesson completed with a workplace mentor,
if available. This course features self-paced learning activities delivered in the workplace, adapted to the specific
workplace situation.
The training organisation also offers a special program for training workplace mentors and coaches if delivered
with this course.
The course will run for as long or as short as is needed by the participant and their organisation.
Cost: $550.
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Lesson 1: Time management overview
 principles of time management
 understanding the benefits of time
 identifying different personality types
 assessing yourself
 productivity cycles
 pricing your time
 creating a time audit
 managing time in meetings
 goals and priorities
 making a ‘to-do’ list
 identifying goals
 setting priorities.
Lesson 2: Time management plans
 time management plan
 preparing for a time management plan
 creating a time management plan
 daily plan
 handling obstacles
 identifying the steps to plan a day
 using daily plan guidelines
 identifying the steps to say ‘no’
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Lesson 3: Productivity optional extra ($50 with mentor training)
 interruptions and meetings
 minimising interruptions from a visitor
 minimising interruptions from a co-worker
 running productive meetings
 attending productive meetings
 factors affecting productivity
 discussing factors that affect productivity.
The productivity option program can also be conducted, for example, with the mentor chairing. This is an
effective training session on how to structure and conduct meetings that are efficient and effective. Topics can
include the use of agendas, chairing skills, informal and formal activities.
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Appendix 5: MacVille Professional Development Policy
MacVille recognizes that its employees are one of its greatest assets. MacVille actively encourages and values
staff development and is committed to enhancing its performance and reputation through the development of a
highly skilled workforce.
Training/professional development provides the skills and knowledge that the staff requires in order to achieve
the company’s goals and objectives and fulfill its mission.
Training/professional development is provided to enhance the potential that each individual has to develop within
his or her current position, or into another, through training.
MacVille Management team is responsible for the learning and development plans and Career pathways for
each of their Employee at the end of the 3 months’ probationary period. This career path and learning and
development plans must be consistent with the Industry standards
Systems and procedures
Development of employees involves identifying, implementing and evaluating individual and group development.
For example, individual development needs can be identified through MacVille performance management
processes and group development needs.
Applications and approval
Managers may approve training/professional development applications endorsed by the employee’s supervisor
for expenditures beyond $500 per person.
The application must outline the infrastructure delivery requirements and the advantages to MacVille for the
program completed.
Programs approved to meet performance-related issues must be able to be completed within the stated
performance improvement period
At the end of each six-month period, MacVille requires a report from each supervisor, detailing the professional
development undertaken by each person in their section.
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and programs implemented, modifications negotiated, outcomes of the program, and should include the gains
you see for the team and the organisation. Analysis of the outcome of the performance issue should also be
covered in brief. Reports should be titled ‘Six-monthly report – First name Last name’, for each team member,
signed by the reporting supervisor/manager.
MacVille maintains records using correct technical and organisational vocabulary
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Performance Criteria

Elements describe the
essential outcomes.
Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the
1. Determine development
1.1 Systematically identify and implement learning and development needs in line with
organisational requirements
1.2 Ensure that a learning plan to meet individual and group training and development needs
is collaboratively developed, agreed to and implemented
1.3 Encourage individuals to self-evaluate performance and identify areas for improvement
1.4 Collect feedback on performance of team members from relevant sources and compare
with established team learning needs
2. Develop individuals and
2.1 Identify learning and development program goals and objectives, ensuring a match to the
specific knowledge and skill requirements of competency standards relevant to the industry
2.2 Ensure that learning delivery methods are appropriate to the learning goals, the learning
style of participants, and availability of equipment and resources
2.3 Provide workplace learning opportunities, and coaching and mentoring assistance to
facilitate individual and team achievement of competencies
2.4 Create development opportunities that incorporate a range of activities and support
materials appropriate to the achievement of identified competencies
2.5 Identify and approve resources and time lines required for learning activities in
accordance with organisational requirements
3. Monitor and evaluate
workplace learning
3.1 Use feedback from individuals or teams to identify and implement improvements in future
learning arrangements
3.2 Assess and record outcomes and performance of individuals/teams to determine the
effectiveness of development programs and the extent of additional development support
3.3 Negotiate modifications to learning plans to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
3.4 Document and maintain records and reports of competency according to organisational

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Foundation Skills

This section describes language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills incorporated in the performance criteria that are required
for competent performance.
Skill Performance
Learning 1.1-1.4, 2.1-2.4,
3.1, 3.3
Uses structured approaches to set goals, monitor progress and adjust learning
approaches for self and others
Builds on knowledge and experience to facilitate interaction and learning with others
Reading 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 2.1,
2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1-
Analyses textual information from a range of sources to identify organisational
Analyses information from a range of sources to evaluate performance
Writing 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 2.1,
2.5, 3.1-3.4
Develops materials to suit the requirements of different roles and individuals in the
Maintains records using correct technical and organisational vocabulary
1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.3,
3.1, 3.3
Uses vocabulary appropriate to context and to establish a supportive and learning
Uses listening and questioning techniques to confirm or show understanding of different
Navigate the world
of work
1.1, 2.5, 3.4 Recognizes and responds to explicit and implicit organisational procedures and
Understands how own role meshes with others and contributes to broader goals
Interact with others 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.2,
2.3, 3.1, 3.3
Selects and uses appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with co
workers in a range of work contexts
Recognizes the importance of building rapport to establish effective working
Collaborates with others to achieve joint outcomes, playing an active role in facilitating
effective group interaction
Negotiates with others to achieve joint/agreeable outcomes playing an active role in
facilitating consensus in potentially contentious situations
Get the work done 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 2.1,
2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 3.1,
3.2, 3.4
Uses logical planning processes to organize, implement and monitor learning and
development needs
Systematically gathers and analyses all relevant information and evaluates options to
make informed decisions
Evaluates outcomes of decisions to identify opportunities for improvement

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Assessment methods and tasks

Methods of assessment Through consultation with industry, the following assessment
methods have been deemed appropriate for this unit.
Written report AT1: Student submits research report on legislative requirements
and evaluation report on a team member’s performance in a role
AT3: Student submits a professional development report on a team
Portfolio AT1: Student submits sample feedback forms and script
AT2: Student submits a training strategy in response to a case
study and scenario
AT3: Student submits a schedule and a questionnaire
Role-play AT2: Student role-plays coaching and providing advice to
employee to determine training needs
AT3: Student role-plays a negotiation with a team member on
professional development
Written questions AT2: Student submits answers to questions on coaching and
mentoring and on learning styles

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Assessment mapping summary

Assessment Task Description Assessment
Determine development
For this task, students will need to research anti-discrimination
legislation for their state and federal governments. They will construct a
self-evaluation feedback form, collect feedback from other relevant
sources and, with this feedback, identify competencies to be improved
and investigate training available that may address these needs.
1 Report
1.1, 1.2,
1.3, 1.4
1, 2, 3, 4 1, 4
Develop team and
For this task, students will carry out development tasks in three main
areas. They will research mentoring and coaching and answer a series
of questions. Students will then participate in a role-play to determine
the learning needs of a team member. Students will answer a series of
scenario-based questions on learning styles. Finally, students will
develop a short learning strategy to meet organisational needs.
2 Written questions
2.1, 2.2,
1, 5 2
Monitor and evaluate
Following on from Assessment Task 2, students are required to
evaluate a number of short-listed professional development programs,
develop a schedule based on one of the options, collect feedback,
negotiate with a team member on future development opportunities, and
submit a report on the professional development of the team member.
3 Portfolio
2.4, 2.5,
3.1, 3.2,
3.3, 3.4
1, 2, 3, 6 3

* Elements and Performance Criteria are numbered using the Unit of Competency numbering system.
** Obtain number from previous table ‘Performance Evidence’
*** Obtain number from previous table ‘Knowledge Evidence’
Record of Assessment Outcome

Student Name
Student ID Date
Student Signature
Satisfactory Date
Yes No

I have been provided with feedback on the evidence I have provided. I have been informed of the assessment result
and the reasons for the decision.
Student Signature: _______________________________________________________
The student has been provided with feedback and informed of the assessment result and the reasons for the
Assessor Name/Signature: _______________________________Date: ___________
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References / recommended resources
Develop Team and Individuals – BSBLED401, 2015, 1st Edition, Version 1, Innovation and Business Industry Skills
Council Ltd Australia, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia

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