CONTRIBUTORS: Allison J. Nihiser, MPH,a Sarah M. Lee,
PhD,a Howell Wechsler, EdD,a Mary McKenna, PhD,b Erica
Odom, MPH,a Chris Reinold, PhD, RD,c Diane Thompson,
MPH, RD,c and Larry Grummer-Strawn, PhDc
Divisions of aAdolescent and School Health and cNutrition,
Physical Activity, and Obesity, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia; and bDepartment of Kinesiology,
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick,
body mass index, obesity, growth and development, school
health services, child, adolescent
CDC—Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
IOM—Institute of Medicine
AAP—American Academy of Pediatrics
This article is based on a longer article first published in the
Journal of School Health (Nihiser AJ, Lee SM, Wechsler H, et al.
Body mass index measurement in schools. J Sch Health. 2007;
77[10]:651– 671; quiz 722–724).
The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Accepted for publication Apr 29, 2009
Address correspondence to Allison J. Nihiser, MPH, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Adolescent and
School Health, 4770 Buford Hwy NE, Mailstop K-12, Atlanta, GA
- E-mail:
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2009 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have
no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
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Obesity among youth has become 1 of
the most critical public health problems
in the United States. Schools can
play an important role in preventing
obesity because 95% of young people
are enrolled in schools,1 and
schools have historically promoted
physical activity and healthy eating. Research
has shown that well-designed,
well-implemented school-based programs
can effectively promote these
behaviors,2–4 and the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) has
identified strategies that schools can
use to prevent obesity.5
Measuring the BMI of students in
schools is an approach to addressing
obesity that is attracting attention
across the nation from researchers,
school officials, legislators, and the
media.6–12 Because little research has
been conducted on the impact of this
approach, it is not included in the
CDC’s recommended strategies. However,
some states, cities, and communities
have established school-based
BMI-measurement programs in recent
years, and many others are considering
the merits of initiating such programs.
In 2005, the Institute of Medicine (IOM)
called on the federal government to develop
guidance for BMI-measurement
programs in schools.13 The CDC conducted
an extensive search for scientific
studies that evaluated school-based
BMI-measurement programs; collected
related position statements
published by expert organizations
from public health, medicine, and education;
and reviewed sources to identify
state legislation on these programs
including policy-tracking
services, state general assembly legislative
databases, and staff in state education
or health departments.14–18 An
expert panel, convened by the CDC in
2005, provided input on an earlier version
of this article. The panel comprised
experts in public health, education,
school counseling, school
medical care, and parenting. This article
presents an overview of the CDC’s
guidance on this topic; it describes the
purposes of BMI-measurement programs,
examines current practices,
reviews existing research, summarizes
expert recommendations, identifies
research gaps, and provides guidance
and safeguards for implementing
BMI-measurement programs.
BMI is the ratio of an individual’s
weight to height squared (kg/m2) and
is used to estimate a person’s risk of
weight-related health problems. It is
often used to assess weight status, because
it is relatively easy to measure
and correlates with body fat.19–23 After
BMI is calculated for a child or adolescent,
it is plotted by age on a genderspecific
growth chart (see www.cdc.
gov/growthcharts for the CDC’s BMIfor-
age growth charts for girls and
boys aged 2–20 years). BMI measurement
in schools may be conducted for
surveillance and screening purposes.
Surveillance refers to the systematic
collection, analysis, and interpretation
of data from a census or representative
sample (ie, a sample that has been
scientifically selected to represent a
specified population). Typically, the
data are collected anonymously. The
purpose of BMI surveillance in schools
is to identify the percentages of students
in the population who are obese,
overweight, normal weight, and underweight;
surveillance does not involve
informing parents of their child’s
weight status.
School-based BMI-surveillance data
can be used to
● describe trends in weight status
over time among populations
and/or subpopulations in a school,
school district, state, or nation;
● identify demographic or geographic
subgroups at greatest risk of obesity
to target prevention and treatment
● create awareness among school
and health personnel, community
members, and policy makers of the
extent of obesity among the youth
they serve;
● provide an impetus to improve policies,
practices, and services to prevent
and treat obesity among youth;
● monitor the effects of school-based
physical activity and nutrition programs
and policies; and
● monitor progress toward achieving
health objectives (eg, US Healthy
People 2010 objectives) related to
childhood obesity.
BMI-screening programs in schools
are designed to assess the weight status
of individual students to detect
those who are at risk for weightrelated
health problems. Screening
programs provide parents with personalized
health information about
their child. Screening results are sent
to parents and typically include the
child’s BMI-for-age percentile; an explanation
of the results; recommended
follow-up actions, if any; and tips on
healthy eating, physical activity, and
healthy weight management.9,24–27 Results
from screening programs also
can be used to develop reports similar
to those developed by surveillance
Goals of BMI-screening programs in
schools include
● preventing and reducing obesity in
a population;
● correcting misperceptions of parents
and children about the children’s
S90 NIHISER et al Downloaded from by guest on May 30, 2020
● motivating parents and their children
to make healthy and safe lifestyle
● motivating parents to take children
at risk to medical care providers for
further evaluation and, if needed,
guidance and treatment; and
● increasing awareness of school administrators
and school staff of the
importance of addressing obesity.
Schools sometimes include BMI results
with results from other health
screening examinations, such as vision
or hearing tests, in reports to
The CDC’s 2006 school health policies
and programs study found that 22% of
states required schools or school districts
to measure or assess students’
height and weight or body mass, and
73% of those states required parent
notification of the results.31 Nationwide,
40% of schools reported that
they measure the height and weight or
body mass of their students.31 The
study did not determine how frequently
students are assessed,
whether BMIs are calculated from the
height and weight data, or the purpose
of the data collections.
At least 13 states have legislation and
are implementing school-based BMImeasurement
programs (Arkansas,
California, Delaware, Florida, Illinois,
Louisiana, New York, Pennsylvania,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont,
and West Virginia). Arkansas implemented
a statewide BMI-screening
and -surveillance program in 2003
(State of Arkansas, 84th General Assembly,
regular session, Act 1220 of
2003, HB 1583). Pennsylvania began to
phase in a BMI-screening and
-surveillance program (28 Pennsylvania
Code §23.7) for all students in
the 2005–2006 school year (Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, Height and
Weight Measurements, 28 Pennsylvania
Code §23.21, 2004). In 1995, California
initiated statewide surveillance of
student physical fitness levels, which
includes BMI assessments and tests of
aerobic capacity, flexibility, and muscle
strength.32 In Illinois, the Department
of Public Health is in the process
of developing a child health examination
surveillance system. This system
will aggregate BMI and possibly other
health information collected during
students’ school physical examinations
by their medical care providers
(Illinois 93rd General Assembly, Public
Act 93– 0966, SB 2940, 2004).
A number of concerns have been expressed
about school-based BMIscreening
programs, including that
they might intensify the stigmatization
already experienced by many obese
youth, increase dissatisfaction with
body image, and intensify pressures to
engage in harmful weight-loss practices
that could lead to eating disorders.
6–8,10–12,33–36 Another concern is
that parents might respond inappropriately
to BMI reports by, for example,
placing their child on a restrictive and
potentially harmful diet without seeking
medical advice.7,8,12,25 Other concerns
are that these programs might
be ineffective, waste scarce healthpromotion
resources, and distract attention
from other school-based
obesity-prevention activities such as
improvements to the school physical
activity and nutrition environment.37
More research is needed to assess
the validity of these concerns. BMIsurveillance
programs are less controversial,
because they do not involve
the communication of sensitive information
to parents and do not require
follow-up care.
Studies have not yet adequately evaluated
the utility of school-based BMImeasurement
programs in preventing
increases in obesity among youth. A
few jurisdictions have monitored the
prevalence of obesity through childhood
obesity interventions that include
BMI screening; however, the
independent effects of the BMIscreening
program on obesity are not
clear.9,28,32 Arkansas is evaluating the impact
of its multicomponent, childhood
obesity program that includes a statewide
BMI-screening and -surveillance
program. The percentage of Arkansas
students classified as obese was 20.8%
in 2003–2004, the first year of implementation,
20.7% in 2004–2005, 20.4% in
2005–2006 and 20.4% in 2006–2007, and
20.5% in 2007–2008.38
A small body of research has addressed
issues related to schoolbased
BMI-measurement programs including
perceptions of weight status,
parental perceptions of BMI-screening
programs, and student and parental
responses to the results. Additional research
is needed on possible psychosocial
effects of BMI screening on
Several studies have found that parents
and children commonly misclassify
children’s weight status.29,39–44 A
study of 742 mothers of adolescents
found that 35% underestimated their
child’s weight status and 5% overestimated
it; 86% of mothers whose child
had a BMI at 95th percentile did not
identify their child as overweight.40 A
study of 2032 high school students
found that 26% of obese students perceived
themselves as underweight,
and another 20% perceived themselves
as “about the right weight”; only
6% of normal-weight students perceived
themselves as overweight.41 The
evaluation of the Arkansas statewide
BMI-screening program found that the
percentage of parents who classified
their child accurately as overweight or
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at risk of overweight increased from
40% at baseline to 53% after the first
year of screening.29
Five studies included parent interviews
and found that most parents
support and respond positively to
BMI screening in their children’s
schools.25,29,35,45,46 One of these studies
analyzed focus-group discussions with
parents of elementary school children
in Minnesota. The investigators concluded
that parents in this study were
receptive to BMI screening in schools
provided it is done with care and parents
are involved in developing the program.
35 Parents would support programs
if they receive advanced notice
about the BMI measurement, have the
opportunity to decline consent, receive
assurance that the measurements
would be collected in a private and respectful
manner that minimizes
weight-related teasing, and receive the
results in a letter mailed to all parents
that uses a neutral tone and does not
assign blame.35 A pilot BMI-screening
program was developed on the basis
of the findings of these focus groups; 4
elementary schools were recruited to
examine parental reaction to BMI measurement.
45 All 4 schools conducted
height and weight measurements;
however, the 2 intervention schools
mailed BMI results to parents,
whereas the remaining 2 schools did
not mail results to the home. A
follow-up survey found that 78% of parents
in all 4 schools believed it was
important for schools to assess and
mail BMI results to the home as part of
annual student health-screening reports.
Parents of girls and older children
were less likely than parents of
boys and younger children to want annual
BMI-screening information.45
A study conducted in Ohio examined
parents’ perceptions on the role of elementary
schools in preventing childhood
obesity and found that parents
were least likely to support BMIrelated
activities. Parents rated the
importance of 37 actions schools can
take to address obesity through health
education, food services, and physical
education. Using a Likert-type scale
(eg, not important to very important),
the lowest-rated actions were collecting
height and weight measurements
and informing parents of their child’s
height and weight.47
Arkansas evaluated its statewide program
for any negative psychosocial
consequences that may have been experienced
by the students. After 4
years of BMI screenings, Arkansas students
reported no increases in weightrelated
teasing, no increases in concerns
about weight, and no increases
in dieting or using diet pills.48 However,
obese students were significantly
more likely to be embarrassed by BMI
Three school-based screening programs
that evaluated parental responses
observed that parents do not
consistently follow-up with a medical
care provider after receiving their
child’s screening results.25,29,49 An evaluation
of a school-based health “report
card” revealed that the parents
who received their child’s BMI results
were more likely than parents who did
not receive the results to report that
they had initiated or intended to initiate
clinical services, dieting, or physical
activity as weight control for their
children. However, 7 of the 19 families
planning to initiate dieting reported
that they planned to do so without
seeking medical counsel despite
strong recommendations against
such actions.25 The evaluation of Arkansas’
statewide screening program
revealed that parents did not consult
school nurses about their child’s BMI,
and most family practitioners and pediatricians
surveyed reported that
they were not contacted by a substantial
number of parents wanting to discuss
their child’s weight status.29 However,
parents did not put students on
diets with a greater frequency than
they did before the program.48
The use of BMI measurement for surveillance
purposes, regardless of setting,
has been endorsed by the American
Public Health Association, The
American Heart Association and the
IOM.13,50,51 However, views on BMI
screening vary. The US Preventive Services
Task Force concluded that insufficient
evidence exists to recommend
for or against BMI-screening programs
for youth in clinical settings as
a means to prevent adverse health outcomes
such as adult cardiovascular
disease risk.52 However, authors of the
2007 report of an expert committee on
childhood obesity convened by the
American Medical Association recommended
that primary care providers calculate
and plot BMI at least annually; this
has been endorsed by 12 organizations.
53–56 For school-based programs,
the IOM recommends annual BMI
screening,13 whereas other organizations
encourage schools to exercise caution
before adopting BMI-measurement
The American Academy of Pediatrics
(AAP) developed criteria to guide decisions
on whether schools should implement
a screening program for any
pediatric health problem (Table 1).58
BMI screening meets some of the criteria:
obesity is an important and
highly prevalent condition59,60; BMI
is an acceptable measure20,22; and
schools are a logical measurement
site, because they reach virtually all
youth.1 However, BMI-screening pro-
S92 NIHISER et al Downloaded from by guest on May 30, 2020
grams typically do not meet other AAP
criteria: effective treatments for obesity
are not available,8,23,61 research
has not established the effectiveness
and cost-effectiveness of these programs,
and communities typically do
not have resources in place to help individuals
at risk access treatment.13
The AAP specifies that schools should
not implement screening if resources
for follow-up do not exist.
Before launching a BMI-measurement
program for surveillance or screening,
decision-makers need to consider
whether the anticipated benefits (eg,
preventing obesity, correcting misperceptions
of weight) outweigh the expected
costs (eg, monetary, psychosocial
consequences). To minimize
potential harm and maximize benefits,
schools should not launch a BMImeasurement
program unless they
have established a safe and supportive
environment for students of all body
sizes; are implementing comprehensive
strategies to address obesity; and
have put in place safeguards that address
the concerns raised about such
The following are some key characteristics
of a safe and supportive environment
for students of all body sizes26:
● There is a universal bullyingprevention
program that addresses
weight discrimination.
● Curricula foster acceptance of
healthy weight by countering social
pressures for excessive thinness.
● Teachers, school counselors, school
nurses, coaches, and other staff receive
the professional development
and resources they need to provide
useful guidance to students with
weight-related concerns.
If schools raise awareness about obesity
through a BMI-measurement program,
they need to have in place an
environment that helps students make
healthy dietary and physical activity
choices. For example, Arkansas required
all elementary schools to remove
vending machines from schools
concurrent with implementing the
statewide BMI-measurement program.62
California’s physical performance
tests influenced the adoption of statewide,
grade-specific physical education
content standards.63 The CDC has
identified 10 comprehensive strategies
that schools can implement to
prevent obesity by promoting physical
activity and healthy eating (www.cdc.
To ensure respect for student privacy
and confidentiality, protect students
from potential harm, and increase
the likelihood of a positive impact
on promoting a healthy weight, all BMImeasurement
programs should adhere
to the following safeguards.6,26
● Introduce the program to school
staff and community members and
obtain parental consent.
● Train staff in administering the program
(ideally, implementation will
be led by a highly qualified staff
member such as a school nurse).
● Establish safeguards to protect student
● Obtain and use accurate equipment.
● Accurately calculate and interpret
the data.
● Develop efficient data-collection
● Avoid using BMI results to evaluate
student or teacher performance.
● Evaluate the program regularly for
its intended outcomes and unintended
Those who implement BMI-screening
programs should ensure that all parents
receive a clear and respectful explanation
of the results and appropriate
follow-up actions, and that
resources are available for safe and
effective follow-up. Greater detail of
these safeguards are described in the
longer version of this article in the December
2007 issue of the Journal of
School Health.64
TABLE 1 AAP Criteria for a Successful Screening Program in Schools58
Aspect Criteria for a Successful Screening Program in Schools
Disease Undetected cases must be common or new cases must occur frequently, and the disease must be associated with adverse
Treatment Effective treatment must be available, and early intervention must be beneficial.
Screening test The test should be sensitive, specific, and reliable.
Screener The screener must be well trained.
Target population Screening should focus on groups with high prevalence of the condition/disease in question or in which early intervention
will be most beneficial.
Referral and treatment Those with a positive screening test result must receive a more definitive evaluation and, if indicated, appropriate treatment.
Cost/benefit ratio The benefit should outweigh the expenses (ie, costs of conducting the screening and any physical or psychosocial effects on
the individual being screened).
Site The site should be appropriate for conducting the screening and communicating the results.
Program maintenance The program should be reviewed for its value and effectiveness.
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Research is needed to address outstanding
issues regarding schoolbased
BMI-surveillance and -screening
programs, including
● program impact on preventing and
reducing obesity;
● the types of follow-up actions taken
by parents and students;
● the programs’ intended and unintended
physical, social, and psychological
● student perceptions of and attitudes
toward height and weight
measurement in schools;
● the role and capacity of the school or
school district nurse to implement
and manage the BMI-measurement
● the effects of BMI-measurement
programs on school-based efforts
to promote nutrition and physical
activity and link parents with medical
services in the community;
● the effectiveness of treatment for
youth identified as obese, overweight,
or underweight;
● cost/benefit analyses of these programs
compared with alternative
● relative efficiency of using schools
as a BMI-measurement site; and
● effectiveness of different methods
for communicating BMI results and
related risk information to parents
and youth.
There is a need for researchers in academia,
government, and scientific organizations
to develop a research agenda
around school-based BMI-measurement
programs, document the impact of data
collection on obesity-prevention policies,
study the data currently being collected,
and define safe, effective, and accessible
follow-up services.
School-based BMI-surveillance programs
are less controversial than
screening programs, but they still must
adhere to the safeguards identified. Surveillance
programs can provide valuable
prevalence and trend data; samples
should be selected carefully to ensure
representativeness and to minimize program
More research needs to be conducted to
evaluate the impact of BMI-screening
programs on weight-related behaviors
and outcomes. Legitimate concerns
have been raised about the potential
harm that might be caused by BMIscreening
programs; more research is
needed to assess whether these harms
occur. BMI-screening programs do not
yet meet AAP criteria for a successful
school screening program. The CDC encourages
additional research and evaluation
on school-based BMI-screening
programs. Before initiating BMImeasurement
programs, decisionmakers
should consider the benefits
and disadvantages of these programs in
relation to the needs of their jurisdiction
and resources available.
We thank Laura Dobbs (past president,
Georgia Parent Teacher Association),
Joyce Epstein, PhD (director, Center on
School, Family, and Community Partnerships),
Suzanne Bennette Johnson,
PhD (professor and chair, Department
of Medical Humanities and Social Sciences,
Florida State University College
of Medicine), Martha Kubik, PhD (associate
professor, School of Nursing, University
of Minnesota), Maryann Mason,
PhD (associate director, Center for
Obesity Management and Prevention,
Mary Ann and J. Milburn Smith Child
Health Research Program, Children’s
Memorial Research Center), Mary Pat
McCartney, PhD (former elementary
vice-president, American School Counselor
Association), Martha Phillips,
PhD (assistant professor, Department
of Psychiatry and Epidemiology, University
of Arkansas for Medical Science),
Shirley Shantz, EdD, ARNP
(nursing projects director, National
Association of School Nurses), Howard
Taras, MD (professor, School of Medicine,
University of California San Diego),
and Gail Woodward-Lopez, MPH,
RD (associate director, Center for
Weight and Health, University of California
Berkeley), for their review and
REFERENCES - US Department of Commerce, Census Bureau. Historical statistics of the United States, colonial
times to 1970. Percent of the population 3 to 34 years old enrolled in school, by race/ethnicity, sex
and age: Selected years, 1980 –2003. Available at:
listtables1.asp#c12. Accessed May 8, 2009 - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for school health programs to promote
lifelong healthy eating. MMWR Recomm Rep. 1996;45(RR-9):1– 41 - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for school and community programs to
promote lifelong physical activity among young people. MMWR Recomm Rep. 1997;46(RR-6):1–36 - Gortmaker S, Peterson K, Wiecha J, et al. Reducing obesity via a school-based interdisciplinary
intervention among youth: Planet Health. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1999;153(4):409–418 - Wechsler H, McKenna ML, Lee SM, Dietz WH. The role of schools in preventing childhood obesity.
State Educ Stand. 2004;5(2):4 –12
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