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Bio Assessment

Biopsychosocial Assessment and Intervention Planning Outline

Movie Character


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You will develop a thorough psychosocial assessment of a movie character from the following list: Bennie and Joon, Prince of Tides, As Good as it Gets, What About Bob, A Beautiful Mind, Leaving Las Vegas, Good Will Hunting, Philadelphia.  Of course, the information you gather will be limited by your inability to ask questions – feel free to ad-lib and embellish for the sake of this assignment.

Identifying Information

Reason for Referral/Presenting Problem

Referral Source

Summary of the Presenting Problem

Impact of the Presenting Problem

Client and Family Descriptions and Functioning

Relevant History

Family of Origin History

Relevant Developmental History

Family of Creation History

Educational and Occupational History

Religious (Spiritual) Development

Social Relationships

Dating/Marital/Sexual Relations

Medical/Psychological Health


Environmental Conditions

Social Worker Assessment (see guide below)

Intervention Plan

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