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Assignment Exercise 13–3 PERFORM A CONTRACTUAL ALLOWANCE: The following contractual payment arrangements are in effect for the current period. The percentage of the gross charge that is currently paid by each payer is as follows:

Assignment Exercise 13–3 PERFORM A CONTRACTUAL ALLOWANCE: The following contractual payment arrangements are in effect for the current period. The percentage of the gross charge that is currently paid by each payer is as follows:

1. Your unit’s gross charges for the period to date amount to $200,000.
2. The uniform gross charge for each procedure in your unit is $100.
3. The unit receives revenue from four major payers. The number of procedures performed for the period totals 2,000. Of that total, the number of procedures per payer (stated as a percentage) is as follows: Payer 1 = 30%Payer 2 = 40%Payer 3 = 20%Payer 4 = 10%
4. The following contractual payment arrangements are in effect for the current period. The percentage of the gross charge that is currently paid by each payer is as follows: Payer 1 = 80% [Medicare]Payer 2 = 70% [Commercial managed care plans]Payer 3 = 50% [Medicaid]Payer 4 = 90% [Self-pay]
Q: How many procedures are attributed to each payer?
Q: How much is the net revenue per procedure for each payer, and how much is the contractual allowance per procedure for each payer?
Q: How much is the total net revenue for each payer, and how much is the total contractual allowance for each payer?
Assignment Exercise 13–4.1: Forecast Capacity Levels
Review the information in  The exhibit assumes three chairs and one 40-hour RN, for a realistic capacity level of seven patients infused per day.

illustrates the array of elements that should be taken into account when computing maximum capacity levels. This computation is important because your forecast should take maximum capacity into account. (Alternative assumptions can also be made, of course. See the sensitivity analysis discussion in a following chapter.)


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Exhibit 13–1 Capacity Level Checkpoints for an Outpatient Infusion Center
Outpatient Infusion Center Capacity Level Checkpoints

Year 2 Year 4
Revise Hospital 2’s projections by applying a cumulative inflation factor of 5% per year.

Assignment Exercise 14–3
The head of your department is a prominent researcher. A health research foundation has asked him travel to London to give an important speech at a conference. He will then travel to Paris to tour a research facility before returning home. Although his travel expenses are being funded by the foundation, he will still need to take along some personal money. Consequently, he asks you to figure the exchange rates for $500 and for $1,000 in both pounds and euros. He explains that he is trying to judge the spending power of U.S. dollars when converted to the other currencies so he can decide how much personal money to take on the trip.




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