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using only passive reconnaissance tools

Lab 2

Total Points – 100


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Undergrads. do Question 1. Grads. do Question 2. Submission Instructions at end of document.

Question 1

Find out as much information as you can about:

using only passive reconnaissance tools. Report your findings. Use text and screenshots to show what you found.

Question 2

Use nmap to port scan:

You may use the command line nmap or the GUI Zenmap.

Use at least the following flags:

1.  Set the timing to T5, then repeat with timing T1.

2.  Try -sO Protocol Scan.

3.  Try – sW Windows Scan.

4.  Try each of the following:

a.  nmap -sS targetsite b.  nmap -sO targetsite

c.  nmap -sO -sS -oX -T4 targetsite

Now use nmap to port scan your own machine (i.e. using the IP address of your machine). Report your findings. Use text and screenshots to show what you found.

Note: You can find the ip address of your machine using ipconfig command (on Windows) or ifconfig command (on Mac). Nmap is free. As Grad. Students, you are expected to Download, Install, and Run it ‘on your own’.

Submission Instructions

Use G for graduate, UG for undergraduate.

Name the file as:

UG_FirstName_LastName_L2.docx / .pdf

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