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Task 1 — Reflective Learning Journal; Task Structure

Situation 6 (300-500 words) Situation 7 (300-500 words) ✓ Situation 8 (300-500 words) ✓ Situation 9 (300-500 words) ✓ Situation 10 (300-500 words) ✓ References
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• Description of situation • Descnption of problem • How creative and critical thinking skills are/aren’t used • Description of outcome • Reflection on the situation • Critical analysis of the situation based on personal understanding, knowledge and skills
Task 1 — Reflective Learning Journal; Key Requirements
Due date is week 12. Thursday 11 June 2020. 16:00. However. it is strongly recommended that you write at least one situation every week and do not leave everything for week 12.
It is an individual assignment.
Word count should be around 3000-5000.
It is recommended to use the theories and concepts that you learn through the lectures and provide more academic supports for your reflections.
• Use APA referencing style. • Weighting is 20%. • Assignments should be submitted in the word format into the Moodle.

Task 3 — Individual Think Piece
What is “think piece”? Think piece is an article in a newspaper, magazine, or journal presenting personal opinions, analysis, or discussion, rather than bare facts.
For this task, students are required to write a think piece about the importance of critical and creative thinking.
Task 3 — Individual Think Piece; Required Actions


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  1. Though your think piece need not follow a formal essay structure, organisation, content, and clarity are still important. 2. Don’t merely summarise. Develop your own thoughts and reflections in connection to the topic. 3. Lead your reader somewhere beyond the simple observation. In other words, make a point or several points and examine them in depth.
    Task 3 — Individual Think Piece; Required Actions (Continued) 4. Use examples and quotations from the academic sources to support what you say. Effective quotations make the think piece stronger and more convincing. 5. Express more than how you “feel” about the topic. Whether you liked the topic or not is relevant but should not be the central focus of your think piece. 6. Make connections between the topic and the course content (lecture or tutorial topics, other readings, forum posts, and practical activities). Show that you are thinking holistically.
    Tacit 1_ Think Piorn• Vow Porillinamonfc

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