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Structure of your final research report

From Greasley, P. (2008)
Structure of your final research report
A quantitative research report should generally include the following sections:
1. Executive summary
2. Introduction
3. Literature review
4. Methodology
5. Results and discussion
6. Conclusion
7. Appendices
8. References
The executive summary
An executive summary is an extended summary of a study usually the last part of the report to
be written (since you need to know what you have said in order to provide the summary), and
should include the following information:
• brief background to the research;
• purpose/aims of the study;
• methods used and the sample;
• brief conclusions outlining the importance of the study.
The role of the executive summary is to give the reader sufficient information about the study,
the essential details, to enable them to decide if they wish to read the full report.
The introduction
The introdu

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