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Scenario for AS3, Data Analysis

Scenario for AS3, Data Analysis
Special events are designed to address customers’ needs. Satisfying these needs might be
triggered intrinsically or extrinsically and varies from learning new things to interact with
spatial or socialising with others. Furthermore, the literature on customer engagement supports
the view that engaged customers may perceive higher quality because they customize the
experience to their own needs to enjoy the special event more.
A senior manager of a special event wishes to understand if customer motives encourage
engagement with a special event. Further, this manager wants to know if customer engagement
really improves perceived quality of special event.
This manager designed the below research model and asked his marketing research department
to collect data to address these issues. As a part of the team, you have to analyse the data premised
on hypothetical relationships the senior manager has developed and report the findings to him. The
senior manager expects you provide him with a brief outline of what was done with the data and why.
Further, he expects to have the results presented in a format that he can simply understand.

Customer Engagement
with Special Event

Learning motive


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Escape motive

Social status
Perceived Quality of
Special Event

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