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. Research the topic Metabolic Syndrome Include in your paper:The paper should be divided into the following sections which will help you organize the content above.

. Research the topic Metabolic Syndrome Include in your paper:The paper should be divided into the following sections which will help you organize the content above.

a) A description of the disease
b) Signs and symptoms
c) Etiology
d) Treatment
e) Patient Teaching
f) Current Research in the Field Recent Discoveries
The paper should be divided into the following sections which will help you organize the content above.
Clinical Manifestations
Medical Management
Current Research Conclusions
The introduction of this paper should briefly describe the disease or disorder. Tell the reader what you are going to write about in the paper and what they can expect to learn by reading your paper.
After the introduction, begin by giving the pathophysiology of the disease or disorder. This is an explanation of what the disease is and how it affects the body. Discuss what causes the disease. Use medical terms as much as possible, but make sure you know what you are writing.
The next section of your paper should contain the clinical manifestation of the disease or disorder you are researching. Describe the patient who has this disease. How do they act? What do they complain of when they have this disease. What changes do they manifest when they are sick with this disease? What are the first signs and symptoms of the disease? What is the etiology? What are the diagnostic tests used to diagnose the disease? The reader should be able to visualize the patient and the condition that they have.
The next section is about how to treat the disease. You should address the different ways medical professionals approach the disease. The paper can include any medical specialist who treats this type of disorder. You might include things like medication, surgeries, exercises or diets. This section also might include information on prevention of the disease.
Following this, include information on current research being conducted in laboratories and clinics on the disease.
The last paragraph of your paper should be your conclusion. The conclusion is a summary of the paper.
2. Find at least ten references related to your topic.
Find at least 5 research articles
Use at least 2 books
Use at least 1 reliable website (e.g.: a Government site – CDC, WHO, etc.)



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