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Provide epidemiological data to illustrate relevant the topic is (Australia and worldwide)The format of your clinical update and any innovative ideas you use to present your topic is your

Provide epidemiological data to illustrate relevant the topic is (Australia and worldwide)The format of your clinical update and any innovative ideas you use to present your topic is your
choice but you must include:

The format of your clinical update and any innovative ideas you use to present your topic is your
choice but you must include:
• Introduction: Provide epidemiological data to illustrate relevant the topic is (Australia and
worldwide), definition/explanation about the nature of the condition/disease process, objectives
and scope and structure of your paper. A good introduction will get the reader’s interest.
• Aetiology & pathogenesis:
 Causes of the disease and risk factors
 Explanation of anatomy/physiology where appropriate
 Pathogenesis, i.e. how the disease progresses and complications
 Implications for public health
• Clinical manifestations: Explain the signs and symptoms.
• Diagnostic process: Provide information on a comprehensive diagnostic work-up with
• Treatment:
 Implications for pharmacological management (types, action, dosage, side effects)
 Non-pharmacological treatment options
 Health promotion
 Provide rationales for your treatment options, based on the literature
• Conclusion: This should include a summary of the most relevant points for the practice
of a registered nurse. Do not introduce new material. This could be summarised as bullet
General points:
Please follow the SNM Guide to Assignment Presentation and Submission
• Only submit via TurnItIn, no hardcopy required.
• This assignment is all about the process of researching a topic and being able to articulate your
findings in a comprehensive and logical sequence.
• Make sure you use approved abbreviations and write in the third person.
• Graphs, figures, tables and flow charts are a great way of illustrating and summarising key
points. Check the SNM Assignment Presentation and Submission guidelines on how to number
and name these correctly.
• Your clinical update should facilitate peer learning: use an appropriate language level
suitable for RNs, not mums and dads! Ensure that content is relevant to nursing practice, i.e.
sufficient depth of information but not too detailed. Assume some knowledge as you are
addressing RNs, e.g. no need to explain the anatomy of the heart or medical terminology.
• Support your discussion with relevant and recent literature and websites. Use peer-reviewed
articles, evidence based research and best practice guidelines (Australian and international if
relevant, e.g. WHO). Do not use public access medical websites designed for non-health
professionals, eg. eMedicine, MayoClinic, BetterHealthChannel, GPNotes,etc.
• Read the marking criteria of the rubric; it is a good guide for how much emphasis needs to be
placed on each section.
• Although the general content of the assignment is like the example clinical update articles, the
formatting is still according to the SNM Presentation and Submission guidelines with regards to
layout (font, spacing, margins) and referencing.
Marking criteria:
Below you will find two tables: The first is the SNM generic marking rubric, the second is an
interpretation of that rubric to help you recognise which areas are important.
The column on the left in table 2 is the high distinction column from the generic rubric (table 1). The
column on the right shows you what elements you need in order to get full marks. The points in
brackets show you how those elements are weighted, e.g. the introduction can get up to 5 points,
whereas the section on treatment can achieve 20. Naturally elements with more points require
more words/paragraphs.
Table 1: Marking rubric SCN 2203 Asses



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