Instructions: Fill out each of the sections below with information relevant to your project, and add your company’s name.
Company Name
Project Proposal
Project Scope statement
Project Title:
Project Sponsor(s):
Business Context for the System:
Project Scope Description:
Date Prepared:
Prepared By:
Problems/Issues/opportunities the proposed system expected to Solve
project objectives
Project Objective Name
Project Objective Description
project deliverables
Project Deliverable Name
Project Deliverable Description
project acceptance criteria
Project Acceptance Criteria Name
Project Acceptance Criteria Description
project exclusions
Project Exclusion Name
Project Exclusion Description
project constraints
Project Constraint Name
Project Constraint Description
project assumptions
Project Assumption Name
Project Assumption Description
high-level work schedule: Project Scope
Description of Work
Assumptions and Constraints
Due Dates
Labor Hours
Labor Rate
Labor Total
Material Units
Material Cost
Material Total
Total Cost
Quality Requirements
Acceptance Criteria
Technical Information
Agreement Information
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