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Major essay final 5 pages!

Major Essay for Final needs to be 5 pages long on the topic below and in Mla format with wroks citied AFTER he five pages due at 12:15 today

Requriements: 5 pages long


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   secondary sources 2 credible , 2 academic

Mla format (in-text ciations + works cited page)

focused specific paper topic

Identifiable methods of compostion choosen wisely



Topic Propsal:

The Media’s Influences on Society

            The topic I chose to write my major essay on is the media’s influences on society. This includes both positive and negative influences that the media portrays which plays a big part in society. I will explain how and why the media is used for much more than just entertainment purposes for society and how the media affects the choices society makes and its outcomes. The media affects society with these influences because it alters the way people think and it plays a role in the choices the people make. The change in peoples thoughts do to influences from what they see creates an opportunity for them to either make a good or bad choice depending on the type of influence that is shown. I believe that most of time the media portrays negative influences upon society. A positive influence from the media would be a commercial or show/clip about stopping bullying that informs people about the topic and why bullying is wrong and how it affects the lives of the victims. This type of media would influence society in a positive way because it would actually get society thinking about the situation and for the bullies some of them will actually realize the harm they are causing there victims and they would probably stop bullying people. A negative influence of the media would be a song with someone talking about how they murder people and take drugs and make it in a way to make people think it’s “cool” and then people who listen to it start imitating the things talked about in the song because they want to be “cool”. What I hope to accomplish with this essay is to open people eyes and help them see that the things they watch and listen to as in media actually alter the way they think and the choices they make so hopefully they change what they listen to and watch to more positive things.

The reason I chose to write about the media and its influences on society is to inform people that media has a bigger purposes than just entertainment for society and to hopefully help people make better choices and actually pay attention to the things they watch and listen to. I see how the media influence our modern society everywhere, at the basketball courts at the park at stores. Some of the people at the basketball courts I go to start listening to music that talk about drugs, gangs, murder and they start acting tough, being stupid and talking reckless and they get into arguments or even worse end up getting into fights and someone gets hurt I see this all the time. My paper is important because it will help shed light on the media motives and hopefully start making people make choices for themselves. I chose this topic to show what the media does and to show that the media is not just for entertainment.


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