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learn the basic page development cycle

The goal of this assignment is to build a simple web page that contains images, CSS, text, and hyperlinks.

1 Objectives


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The objectives of this assignment are to learn the basic page development cycle of creating the HTML, editing, saving, styling, and general photo or image layout using the HTML commands.

2 Specifications

2.1 Inputs-Images

There are several PNG or JPG files needed to complete the assignment. They are included in the ZIP file and are itemized below.

• John_Adams-SFBMorse.jpg

• Morse_telegraph.jpg

• Samuel_Morse_with_his_Recorder_by_Brady,_1857.png

• 800px-International_Morse_Code.png

2.2 Inputs-text

There are several paragraphs of text in the expected output. These paragraphs are shown below.

• Samuel Finley Breese Morse, (April 27, 1791 – April 2, 1872) was an American painter and inventor. After having established his reputation as a portrait painter, in his middle age Morse contributed to the invention of a single-wire telegraph system based on European telegraphs. He was a co-developer of Morse code and helped to develop the commercial use of telegraphy.

• An artist? Morse, upon graduating from Yale, went on to become a noted painter. He painted the portraits of John Adams& James Monroe, the second and fifth American Presidents. His work as an artist took him to England and Europe. There are several of his paintings available on the Wikipedia page on Samuel FB Morse. – Thelinkis

• Inspired by tragedy. While Morse was painting in New York, a horse messenger delivered a letter from his father in New Haven, Connecticut that read, “Your dear wife is convalescent”. The next day he received a letter from his father detailing his wife’s sudden death. By the time he got home-she was buried. Heartbroken that for day she was unaware of his wife’s failing health and her death, he decided to explore a means of rapid long distance communication.

• Troubleshooting and building the prototype. Morse started his first prototype using ideas from England, where a multiple wire system could transmit a message over 10 miles. Morse then came back to New York and enlisted Professor Leonard Gale to help build a single wire transmission system. The first message sent in the Speedwell Ironworks in Morristown, New Jersey was “A patient waiter is no loser”.

• Prototypes & production. Morse sought government funding and used that to build the single wire system as a proof of concept. Thisprojectwassuccessfulandleadtocommercialdevelopmentofanationwidetelegraphnetwork.

• Patents and legal issues. The multi-wiresystemwentintoproductionin1837whileMorse’s single wire system emerged in 1838. The multi-wire system being more expensive lost to Morse’s ideas. Lawsuits for patent rights went on for 10yearsuntilMorsefinallywon.

2.3 Inputs-CSS

The CSS for this webpage is shown below.


body background-color: ivory; font-family: helvetica;

color: sienna; padding-left:80px; width:825px

h2 text-align: center

img padding:6px; border-width:1px; border-style: solid;

border-color: burlywood

table outline: solid burlywood thin; font-size:14px

caption caption-side: bottom; padding-top:4px


2.4 Output

The layout of the text and images referenced in the Inputs section above is shown below.

Figure2.1shows the full layout. There may be some variance in the image positions depending upon screen resolution and magnification.

The webpage should be look like the screenshot below

Figure 2.1: The webpage


[Button id=”1″]

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