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Kaplan university acct 503 advanced auditing practice exam answers

Chapter 9 — Practice Exam
Matching Questions
Match the following terms with their definitions:
A. Implied contract
B. Mirror image rule.
C. Offeree
D. Offeror
E. Bilateral contract
 1. A party that makes an offer.
2. An agreement based on one promise in exchange for another.
3. A party that receives and offer.
4. An agreement based on the words and actions of the parties.
5. A common law principle requiring the acceptance to be on exactly the terms of the offer.
True/False Questions
Circle true or false:
1. T F To be enforceable, all contracts must be in writing.
2. T F Abdul hires Sean to work in his store, and agrees to pay him $9 per hour. This agreement is governed by the Uniform Commercial Code.
3. T F If an offer demands a reply within a stated period, the offeree’s silence indicates acceptance.
4. T F Without a meeting of the minds there cannot be a contract.
5. T F An agreement to sell cocaine is a voidable contract.


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Multiple-Choice Questions
1. Mark, a newspaper editor, walks into the newsroom and announces to a group of five reporters: “I’ll pay a $2,000 bonus to the first reporter who finds definitive evidence that Senator Blue smoked marijuana at the celebrity party last Friday.” Anna, the first reporter to produce the evidence, claims her bonus based on
(a) Unilateral contract.
(b) Promissory estoppel.
(c) Quasi-contract.
(d) Implied contract.
(e) Express contract.
2. Raul has finished the computer installation he promised to perform for Tanya, and she has paid him in full. This is
(a) An express contract.
(b) An implied contract.
(c) An executed contract.
(d) A bilateral contract.
(e) No contract.

3.  Consider the following:
I.  Madison says to a group of students, “I’ll pay $35 to the first one of you who shows up at my house and mows my lawn.”
II.  Lea posts a flyer around town that reads, “Reward:  $500 for information about the person who keyed my truck last Saturday night in the Wag-a-Bag parking lot.  Call Lea at 555-5309.”
Which of these proposes a unilateral contract?
(a) I only
(b) II only
(c) Both I and II
(d) None of the above

4. On Monday night, Louise is talking on her cell phone with Bill. “I’m desperate for a manager in my store,” says Louise. “I’ll pay you $45,000 per year, if you can start tomorrow morning. What do you say?”
“It’s a deal,” says Bill. “I can start tomorrow at 8 a.m. I’ll take $45,000 and I also want 10 percent of any profits you make above last year’s.” Just then Bill loses his cell phone signal. The next morning he shows up at the store, but Louise refuses to hire him. Bill sues. Bill will
(a) Win, because there was a valid offer and acceptance.
(b) Win, based on promissory estoppel.
(c) Lose, because he rejected the offer.
(d) Lose, because the agreement was not put in writing.
(e) Lose, because Louise revoked the offer.

5.  Which of the following amounts to an offer?
(a) Ed says to Carmen, “I offer to sell you my pen for $1.”
(b) Ed says to Carmen, “I’ll sell you my pen for $1.”
(c) Ed writes, “I’ll sell you my pen for $1,” and gives the note to Carmen.
(d) All of the above

Chapter 10– Practice Exam
Matching Questions.
Match the following terms with their definitions:
A. Fraud
B. Restitution
C. Part performance
D. Exculpatory clause
E. Consideration 1. A contract clause intended to relieve one party from potential tort liability
2. The idea that contracts must be a two way street
3. The intention to deceive the other party
4. Restoring the other party to its original position
5. Entry onto land, or improvements made to it, by a buyer who has no written contract

True/False Questions
Circle true or false:
1. T F A contract may not be rescinded based on puffery.
2. T F An agreement for the sale of a house does not need to be in writing if the deal will be completed within one year.
3. T F Noncompete clauses are suspect because they tend to restrain free trade.
4. T F A seller of property must generally disclose latent defects that he knows about.
5. T F A court is unlikely to enforce an exculpatory clause included in a contract for surgery.
6. T F An agreement for the sale of 600 plastic cups, worth $0.50 each, must be in writing to be enforceable.
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. In which case is a court most likely to enforce an exculpatory clause?
(a) Dentistry
(b) Hang gliding
(c) Parking lot
(d) Public transportation
(e) Accounting

2. Sarah, age 17, uses $850 of her hard-earned, summer-job money to pay cash for a diamond pendant for the senior prom. She has a wonderful time at the dance but decides the pendant was an extravagance, returns it, and demands a refund. The store has a “no refund” policy that is clearly stated, on a sign on the wall. There was no defect in the pendant. The store refuses the refund. When Sarah sues, she will
(a) Win $850
(b) Win $425
(c) Win, but only if she did not notice the “no refund” policy
(d) Win, but only if she did not think the “no refund” policy applied to her
(e) Lose

3. Tobias is selling a surrealist painting. He tells Maud that the picture is by the famous French artist Magritte, although in fact Tobias has no idea whether that is true or not. Tobias’s statement is
(a) Bilateral mistake
(b) Unilateral mistake
(c) Fraud
(d) Innocent Misrepresentation
(e) Legal, as long as he acted in good faith

4. Louise e-mails Sonya, “I will sell you my house at 129 Brittle Blvd. for $88,000, payable in one month. Best, Louise.” Sonya e-mails back, “Louise, I accept the offer to buy your house at that price. Sonya.” Neither party prints a copy of the two e-mails.
(a) The parties have a binding contract for the sale of Louise’s house.
(b) Louise is bound by the agreement but Sonya is not.
(c) Sonya is bound by the agreement but Louise is not.
(d) Neither party is bound because the agreement was never put in writing.
(e) Neither party is bound because the agreement was never signed.
 (e) An adhesion contract

5. In February, Chuck orally agrees to sell his hunting cabin, with 15 acres, to Kyle for $35,000, with the deal to be completed in July, when Kyle will have the money. In March, while Chuck is vacationing on his land, he permits Kyle to enter the land and dig the foundation for a new cottage. In July, Kyle arrives with the money but Chuck refuses to sell. Kyle sues.
(a) Chuck wins because the contract was never put in writing.
(b) Chuck wins because the contract terms were unclear.
(c) Kyle wins because a contract for vacation property does not need to be written.
(d) Kyle wins because Chuck allowed him to dig the foundation.
(e) Kyle wins because Chuck has committed fraud.

6. Ted’s wallet is as empty as his bank account, and he needs $3500 immediately.  Fortunately, he has three gold coins that he inherited from his grandfather.  Each is worth $2500, but it is Sunday, and the local rare coins store is closed.  When approached, Ted’s neighbor Andrea agrees to buy the first coin for $2300.  Another neighbor, Cami, agrees to buy the second for $1100.  A final neighbor, Lorne, offers “all the money I have on me” – $100 – for the last coin.  Desperate, Ted agrees to the proposal.  Which of the deals is supported by consideration?
(a) Ted’s agreement with Andrea, only
(b) Ted’s agreements with Andrea and Cami, only
(c) All three of the agreements
(d) None of the agreements

Chapter 11 — Practice Exam
Matching Questions
Match the following terms with their definitions:
A. Material
B. Intended beneficiary
C. Discharged
D. Consequential
 1. A type of breach that substantially harms the innocent party.
2. When a party has no more obligations under a contract.
3. Damages that can be recovered only if the breaching party should have foreseen them.
4. A third party who should be able to enforce a contract between two others.

True/False Questions
Circle true or false:
1. T F Contract dates and deadlines are strictly enforceable unless the parties agree otherwise.
2. T F Where one party has clearly breached, the injured party must mitigate damages
3. T F Courts award the expectation interest more often than any other remedy.
4. T F A party who delegates duties remains liable for contract performance.

Multiple-Choice Questions
1. Bob, a mechanic, claims that Cathy owes him $1,500 on a repair job. Bob wants to assign his claim to Hardknuckle Bank. The likeliest reason that Bob wants to do this is
(a) Cathy also owes Hardknuckle Bank money.
(b) Hardknuckle Bank owes Bob money on a consumer claim.
(c) Hardknuckle Bank owes Bob money on a repair job.
(d) Bob owes Hardknuckle Bank money.
(e) Bob and Cathy are close friends.

2. The agreement between Bob and Cathy says nothing about assignment. May Bob assign his claim to Hardknuckle?
(a) Bob may assign his claim but only with Cathy’s agreement.
(b) Bob may assign his claim, but only if Cathy and Hardknuckle agree.
(c) Bob may assign his claim without Cathy’s agreement.
(d) Bob may assign his claim but Cathy may nullify the assignment.
(e) Bob may not assign his claim because it violates public policy.

3. Jody is obligated under a contract to deliver 100,000 plastic bottles to a spring water company. Jody’s supplier has just gone bankrupt; any other suppliers will charge her more than she expected to pay. This is
(a) Consequential damages
(b) Impossibility
(c) Expectation interest
(d) Substantial performance
(e) Legally irrelevant

4. An example of true impossibility is
(a) Strict performance
(b) Failure of condition
(c) Illegality
(d) Material breach
(e) Consequential interest

5. Museum schedules a major fundraising dinner, devoted to a famous Botticelli picture, for September 15. Museum then hires Sue Ellen to restore the picture, her work to be done no later than September 14. Sue Ellen is late with the restoration, forcing the Museum to cancel the dinner and lose at least $500,000 in donations. Sue Ellen delivers the picture, in excellent condition, two weeks late. Museum sues.
(a) Museum will win.
(b) Museum will win if, when the parties made the deal, Sue Ellen knew the importance of the date.
(c) Museum will win provided that it was Sue Ellen’s fault she was late.
(d) Museum will win provided that it was not Sue Ellen’s fault she was late.
(e) Museum will lose.

6. Tara is building an artificial beach at her lakefront resort. She agrees in writing to buy 1,000 tons of sand from Frank for $20 per ton, with delivery on June 1, at her resort. Frank fails to deliver any sand, and Tara is forced to go elsewhere. She buys 1,000 tons from Maureen at $25 per ton, and then is forced to pay Walter $5,000 to haul the sand to her resort. Tara sues Frank. Tara will recover
(a) Nothing
(b) $5,000
(c) $10,000
(d) $15,000
(e) $30,000

Chapter 13 — Practice Exam
Matching Questions
Match the following terms with their definitions:
A. Additional terms
B. Strict liability
C. Merchantability
D.  Different terms
 1. An implied warranty that goods are fit for their ordinary purpose.
2. Generally become part of a contract between merchants.
3. The reasonableness of defendant’s conduct is irrelevant.
4. Generally cancel each other out.
True/False Questions
Circle true or false:
1. T F In a contract for the sale of goods, the offer may include any terms the offeror wishes; the offeree must accept on exactly those terms or reject the deal.
2. T F Sellers can be bound by written warranties but not by oral statements.
3. T F Under strict liability, an injured consumer could potentially recover damages from the product’s manufacturer and the retailer who sold the goods.
4. T F A contract for the sale of $300 worth of decorative stone must be in writing to be enforceable.
Multiple-Choice Questions
1.  Which one of the following transactions is not governed by Article 2 of the UCC?
(a) Purchasing an automobile for $35,000
(b) Leasing an automobile worth $35,000
(c) Purchasing a stereo worth $501
(d) Purchasing a stereo worth $499

2. Marion orally agrees to sell Ashley her condominium in Philadelphia for $700,000. The parties have known each other for 20 years and do not bother to put anything in writing. Based on the agreement, Marion hires a moving company to pack up all her goods and move them to a storage warehouse. Ashley shows up with a cashier’s check, and Marion says, “You’re going to love it here.” But at the last minute, Marion declines to take the check and refuses to sell. Ashley sues and wins
(a) Nothing
(b) The condominium
(c) $700,000
(d) The difference between $700,000 and the condominium’s market value
(e) Damages for fraud

3. Seller’s sales contract states that “The model 8J flagpole will withstand winds up to 150 mph, for a minimum of 35 years.” The same contract includes this: “This contract makes no warranties, and any implied warranties are hereby disclaimed.” School buys the flagpole, which blows down six months later, in a 105-mph wind.
(a) Seller is not liable because it never made any express warranties.
(b) Seller is not liable because it disclaimed any warranties.
(c) Seller is liable because the disclaimer was invalid.
(d) Seller is liable because implied warranties may not be disclaimed.

4. Manufacturer sells a brand-new, solar-powered refrigerator. Because the technology is new, Manufacturer sells the product “as is.” Plaintiff later sues Manufacturer for breach of warranty and wins. Plaintiff is probably
(a) A distributor with no understanding of legal terminology
(b) A retailer who had previously relied on Manufacturer
(c) A retailer who had never done business before with Manufacturer
(d) A retailer who failed to notice the “as is” label
(e) A consumer

5. CPA QUESTION: To establish a cause of action based on strict liability in tort for personal injuries resulting from using a defective product, one of the elements the plaintiff must prove is that the seller (defendant)
(a) Failed to exercise due care
(b) Was in privity of contract with the plaintiff
(c) Defectively designed the product
(d) Was engaged in the business of selling the product

Chapter 14 — Practice Exam
Matching Questions
Match the following terms with their definitions:
A. Drawer
B. Drawee
C. Issuer
D. Maker
E. Holder 1. Someone who issues a promissory note
2. The person who issues a draft
3. The person who pays a draft
4. Anyone in possession of an instrument if it is indorsed to her
5.  The maker of a promissory note or the drawer of a draft.

True/False Questions
Circle true or false:
1. T F The possessor of a piece of commercial paper always has an unconditional right to be paid.
2. T F Three parties are involved in a draft.
3. T F To be negotiable, bearer paper must be indorsed and delivered to the transferee.
4. T F Negotiation means that an instrument has been transferred to the holder by the issuer.
5. T F A promissory note may be valid even if it does not have a specific due date.

Multiple-Choice Questions
1. CPA QUESTION: In order to negotiate bearer paper, one must:
(a) Indorse the paper
(b) Indorse and deliver the paper with consideration
(c) Deliver the paper
(d) Deliver and indorse the paper
2. The possessor of a piece of order paper does not have an unconditional right to be paid if:
(a) The paper is negotiable.
(b) The possessor is the payee.
(c) The paper has been indorsed to the possessor.
(d) The possessor is a holder in due course.
(e) The issuer changed his mind after signing the instrument.
3. An instrument is negotiable unless:
(a) It is in writing.
(b) It is signed only by the drawee.
(c) It contains an order to pay.
(d) It is payable on demand.
(e) It is payable only to bearer.
4. Chloe buys a motorcycle on eBay from Junior. In payment she gives him a promissory note for $7,000. He immediately negotiates the note to Terry. After the motorcycle arrives, Chloe discovers that it is not as advertised. One week later, she notifies Junior. She still has to pay Terry because:
(a) On eBay, the rule is “buyer beware.”
(b) Terry’s rights are not affected by Junior’s misdeeds.
(c) Terry indorsed the note.
(d) Chloe is the drawee.
(e) Chloe waited too long to complain.
5. Donna gives a promissory note to C. J. Which of the following errors would make the note invalid?
(a) The instrument was written on a dirty sock.
(b) The instrument promised to pay 15,000 euros.
(c) The note stated that Donna owed C. J. “$1,500: One thousand and five dollars.”
(d) Donna signed the note without reading it.
(e) The due date was specified as “three months after Donna graduates from college.”

Chapter 15 –Practice Exam
Matching Questions
Match the following terms with their definitions:
A. Attachment.
C. Perfection.
E. Priority.
 1. Someone who buys goods in good faith from a seller who deals in such goods.
2. Steps necessary to make a security interest valid against the whole world.
3. A security interest taken by the person who sells the collateral or advances money so the debtor can buy it.
4. The order in which creditors will be permitted to seize the property of a bankrupt debtor.
5. Steps necessary to make a security interest valid against the debtor, but not against third parties.

True/False Questions
Circle true or false:
1. T F A party with a perfected security interest takes priority over a party with an unperfected interest.
2. T F A buyer in ordinary course of business takes goods free of an unperfected security interest, but does not take them free of a perfected security interest.
3. T F When a debtor defaults, a secured party may seize the collateral and hold it, using reasonable care, but may not sell or lease it.
4. T F A party may take a security interest in tangible things, such as goods, but not in intangible things, such as bank accounts.
5. T F Without an agreement of the parties there can be no security interest.

Multiple-Choice Questions
1. CPA QUESTION: Under the UCC Secured Transactions Article, perfection of a security interest by a creditor provides added protection against other parties in the event the debtor does not pay its debts. Which of the following parties is not affected by perfection of a security interest?
(a) Other prospective creditors of the debtor.
(b) The trustee in a bankruptcy case.
(c) A buyer in the ordinary course of business.
(d) A subsequent personal injury judgment creditor.
2. CPA QUESTION: Mars, Inc., manufactures and sells Blu Ray players on credit directly to wholesalers, retailers, and consumers. Mars can perfect its security interest in the goods it sells without having to file a financing statement or take possession of the Blu Ray players if the sale is made to which of the following:
(a) Retailers.
(b) Wholesalers that sell to distributors for resale.
(c) Consumers.
(d) Wholesalers that sell to buyers in ordinary course of business.

3. Bank has loaned unsecured money to Retailer, which still owes $700,000. Bank becomes nervous that Retailer is on the verge of bankruptcy, and sends a “notice of security interest” to Retailer, claiming a security interest in all inventory and real estate of Retailer. Retailer does not respond. Bank files its notice in the state’s central filing office. When Retailer goes bankrupt, Bank
(a) Has a perfected security interest in the inventory but not the real estate.
(b) Has a perfected security interest in the real estate but not the inventory.
(c) Has a perfected security interest in both the real estate and the inventory.
(d) Has no security interest in either the real estate or the inventory.
(e) Has an unperfected security interest in both the real estate and the inventory.

4. Which case does not represent a purchase money security interest?
(a) Auto dealer sells consumer a car on credit.
(b) Wholesaler sells retailer 5,000 pounds of candy on credit.
(c) Bank lends money to Retailer, using Retailer’s existing inventory as collateral.
(d) Bank lends money to auto dealer to purchase 150 new cars, which are the collateral.
(e) Consumer applies to credit agency for loan with which to buy a yacht.

5. Millie lends Arthur, her next-door neighbor, $25,000. He gives her his diamond ring as collateral for the loan. Which statement is true?
(a) Millie has no valid security interest in the ring because the parties did not enter into a security agreement. 
(b) Millie has no valid security interest in the ring because she has not filed appropriate papers.
(c) Millie has an attached, unperfected security interest in the ring.
(d) Millie has an attached, unperfected security interest in the ring but can perfect her interest by filing.
(e) Millie has an attached, perfected security interest in the ring.

Chapter 16– Practice Exam
Matching Questions
Match the following terms with their definitions:
A. Discharge
B. Fraudulent transfer
C. Exempt property
D. Reaffirmation
E. Voidable preference
 1. Property individual debtors can keep for themselves
2. Debtors are not liable for money owed before the filing
3. Debtors promise to pay a debt after discharge
4. Payment to a creditor immediately before filing
5. Payment made within the year before a petition is filed with the goal of hindering creditors
True/False Questions
Circle true or false:
1. T F One of the primary goals of the Code is to teach the debtor a lesson.
2. T F Each of the Code’s chapters has one of two objectives—rehabilitation or liquidation.
3. T F A creditor is not permitted to force a debtor into bankruptcy.
4. T F The bankruptcy court issues an order for relief to give the debtor a chance to file a petition.
5. T F The Code permits individual debtors (but not organizations) to keep some property for themselves.

Multiple-Choice Questions
1. CPA QUESTION: Decal Corp. incurred substantial operating losses for the past three years. Unable to meet its current obligations, Decal filed a petition of reorganization under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Code. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) A creditors’ committee, if appointed, will consist of unsecured creditors.
(b) The court must appoint a trustee to manage Decal’s affairs.
(c) Decal may continue in business only with the approval of a trustee.
(d) The creditors’ committee must select a trustee to manage Decal’s affairs.

2. CPA QUESTION: A voluntary petition filed under the liquidation provisions of Chapter 7 of the federal Bankruptcy Code:
(a) Is not available to a corporation unless it has previously filed a petition under the reorganization provisions of Chapter 11 of the Code.
(b) Automatically stays collection actions against the debtor except by secured creditors.
(c) Will be dismissed unless the debtor has 12 or more unsecured creditors whose claims total at least $5,000.
(d) Does not require the debtor to show that the debtor’s liabilities exceed the fair market value of assets.

3. CPA QUESTION: Unger owes a total of $50,000 to eight unsecured creditors and one fully secured creditor. Quincy is one of the unsecured creditors and is owed $6,000. Quincy has filed a petition against Unger under the liquidation provisions of Chapter 7 of the federal Bankruptcy Code. Unger has been unable to pay debts as they become due. Unger’s liabilities exceed Unger’s assets. Unger has filed papers opposing the bankruptcy petition. Which of the following statements regarding Quincy’s petition is correct?
(a) It will be dismissed because the secured creditor failed to join in the filing of the petition.
(b) It will be dismissed because three unsecured creditors must join in the filing of the petition.
(c) It will be granted because Unger’s liabilities exceed Unger’s assets.
(d) It will be granted because Unger is unable to pay Unger’s debts as they become due.

4. A debtor is not required to file the following document with his voluntary petition:
(a) Budget statement for the following three years.
(b) Statement of financial affairs.
(c) List of creditors.
(d) Claim of exemptions.
(e) Schedule of income and expenditures

5. Grass Co. is in bankruptcy proceedings under Chapter 11. _____________ serves as trustee. In the case of  ______________ the court can approve a plan of reorganization over the objections of the creditors.
(a) the debtor in possession/a cramdown
(b) A person appointed by the U.S. Trustee/fraud
(c) The head of the creditors’ committee/reaffirmation
(d) U.S. Trustee/voidable preference

Chapter 23– Practice Exam
Matching Questions
Match the following terms with their definitions:
A. Securities Act of 1933.
B. Section 16
C. Sarbanes-Oxley.
D. Section 10(b).
E. Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
 1. Prohibits fraud in connection with the purchase and sale of a security.
2. Regulates companies once they have gone public.
3. Requires officers to certify their company’s financial statements.
4. Regulates the issuance of securities.
5. Requires an insider to turn over profits she has earned from buying and selling or selling and buying company stock in a 6 month period.

True/False Questions
Circle true or false:
1. T F Before permitting a company to issue new securities, the SEC investigates to ensure that the company has a promising future.
2. T F Small offerings of securities do not need to be registered with the SEC.
3. T F Horizontal price-fixing is legal as long as it does not have an anticompetitive impact.
4. T F Only the federal government regulates securities offerings; the states do not.
5. T F It is legal for a company to sell its product at a price below cost as long as it does not intend to drive competitors out of business.

Multiple-Choice Questions
1 Under Regulation D, an issuer:
(a) May not sells to a thousand accredited investors.
(b) May not sells to 27 unaccredited investors.
(c) Must make disclosure to accredited investors.
(d) Must make disclosure to unaccredited investors.
(e) May advertise the stock publicly.

2.  Which of the following statements is not true about a public offering?
(a) The issuer files a registration statement with the SEC.
(b)  The issuer files a prospectus with the SEC.
(c)  Company officers may make public statements about the offering before the stock is sold.
(d)  Company officers may make public statements about the offering after the stock is sold.
(e) The issuer may solicit offers for the stock before the effective date.

3. To have an illegal monopoly, a company must:
I. Control the market.
II. Maintain its control improperly.
III. Have a market share greater than 50 percent.
(a) I, II, and III.
(b) I and II.
(c) II and III.
(d) I and III.
(e) Neither I, II, nor III.

4. Lloyd sold car floor mats to Mercedes dealerships. Then Mercedes began to include floor mats as standard equipment. Mercedes has a 10 percent share of the luxury car market.
(a) Mercedes has created an illegal tying arrangement because floor mats and cars are separate products.
(b) Mercedes has not created an illegal tying arrangement because it does not have significant power in the luxury car market.
(c) Mercedes has not created an illegal tying arrangement because it is not tying the two products together.
(d) Mercedes has created an illegal tying arrangement because it controls the market in floor mats.

5. Mike is director of sales for his company. He negotiates prices with Paige and Lauren, who work for two of his biggest customers. Paige tells him that she can buy the same product cheaper elsewhere. He cuts the price for her, but not for his other customers. At the same time, he develops a crush on Lauren, so offers to sell her the product at a lower price. In subsequent months, these two customers come to dominate the market. Which statement is correct:
(a) Mike can charge whatever price he wants to any customer.
(b) Mike must charge all his customers the same price.
(c) The price cut to Paige, but not Lauren, is legal.
(d) The price cut to Lauren, but not Paige, is legal.
(e) Mike is not required to charge all his customers the same price, but neither of these price cuts is legal.

Chapter 17 –Practice Exam
Matching Questions
Match the following terms with their definitions:
A. Term agreement
B. Apparent authority
C. Agency at will
D. A duty of an agent
E. Implied authority 1. When two parties make no agreement in advance about the duration of their agreement
2. When an agent has authority to do acts that are necessary to accomplish an assignment
3. When two parties agree in advance on the duration of their agreement
4. When behavior by a principal convinces a third party that the agent is authorized, even though she is not
5. Duty of loyalty

True/False Questions
Circle true or false:
1. T F A principal is always liable on a contract, whether he is fully disclosed, unidentified, or undisclosed.
2. T F When a contract goes wrong, a third party can always recover damages from the agent, whether the principal is fully disclosed, unidentified, or undisclosed.
3. T F An agent may receive profits from an agency relationship even if the principal does not know about the profits, as long as the principal is not harmed.
4. T F An agent may never act for two principals whose interests conflict.
5. T F An agent has a duty to provide the principal with all information in her possession that she has reason to believe the principal wants to know, even if he does not specifically ask for it.

Multiple-Choice Questions
1. Someone painting the outside of a building you own crashed through a window, injuring a visiting executive. Which of the following questions would your lawyer not need to ask to determine if the painter was your servant?
(a) Did the painter work full-time for you?
(b) Had you checked the painter’s references?
(c) Was the painter paid by the hour or the job?
(d) Were you in the painting business?
(e) Did the painter consider herself your employee?

2. Which of the following duties does an agent not owe to her principal?
(a) Duty of loyalty
(b) Duty to obey instructions
(c) Duty to reimburse
(d) Duty of care
(e) Duty to provide information

3. Finn learns that, despite his stellar record, he is being paid less than other salespeople at Barry Co. So he decides to start his own company. During his last month on the Barry payroll, he tells all of his clients about his new business. He also tells them that Barry is a great company, but his fees will be lower. After he opens the doors of his new business, most of his former clients move with him. Is Finn liable to Barry?
(a) No, because he has not been disloyal to Barry — he praised the company.
(b) No, because Barry was underpaying him.
(c) No, because his clients have the right to hire whichever company they choose.
(d) Yes, Finn has violated his duty of loyalty to Barry.

4. Kurt asked his car mechanic, Quinn, for help in buying a used car. Quinn recommends a Ford Focus that she has been taking care of its whole life. Quinn was working for the seller. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Quinn must pay Kurt the amount of money she received from the Ford’s prior owner.
(b) After buying the car, Kurt finds out that it needs $1,000 in repairs. He can recover $1000 from Quinn, but only if Quinn knew about the needed repairs before Kurt bought the car.
(c) Kurt cannot recover anything because Quinn had no obligation to reveal her relationship with the car’s seller.
(d) Kurt cannot recover anything because he had not paid Quinn for her help

5. Figgins is the dean of a college. He appointed Sue acting dean while he was out of the country and posted a message on the college web site announcing that she was authorized to act in his place. He also told Sue privately that she did not have the right to make admissions decisions. While Figgins was gone, Sue overruled the admissions committee to admit the child of a wealthy alumnus. Does the child have the right to attend this college?
(a) No, because Sue was not authorized to admit him.
(b) No, because Figgins was an unidentified principal.
(c) Yes, because Figgins was a fully disclosed principal.
(d) Yes, because Sue had apparent authority.

6. CPA QUESTION A principal will not be liable to a third party for a tort committed by an agent:
(a) Unless the principal instructed the agent to commit the tort
(b) Unless the tort was committed within the scope of the agency relationship
(c) If the agency agreement limits the principal’s liability for the agent’s tort
(d) If the tort is also regarded as a criminal act

Chapter 18 –Practice Exam
Matching Questions
Match the following terms with their definitions:
A. Employee at will.
B. Public policy rule.
D. Wrongful discharge.
F. Whistleblower. 1. A federal statute that ensures safe working conditions.
2. When an employee is fired for a bad reason.
3. An employee who discloses illegal behavior on the part of his employer.
4. An employee without an explicit employment contract.
5. A federal statute that regulates wages and limits child labor.
6. An employer may not fire a worker for a reason that violates basic social rights, duties or responsibilities.
True/False Questions
Circle true or false:
1. T F An employee may be fired for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all.
2. T F An employee may be fired if she disobeys a direct order from her boss not to join a labor union.
3. T F Promises made by the employer during the hiring process are not enforceable.
4. T F In some states, an employer is not liable for false statements they make about former employees unless they know these statements are false or are primarily motivated by ill will.
5. T F The federal government has the right to inspect workplaces to ensure that they are safe.
6. T F Any employer has the right to insist that employees submit to a lie detector test.
7. T F Federal law limits the number of hours an employee can work.
8. T F Children under 16 may not hold paid jobs.  
9. T F Only workers, not their spouses or children, are entitled to benefits under the Social Security system.

Multiple-Choice Questions
1. Brook moved from Denver to San Francisco to take a job with an advertising agency. His employment contract stated that he was “at will and could be terminated at any time.” After 28 months with the company, he was fired without explanation. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) His contract implied that he could only be fired for cause.
(b) Because he had a contract, he was not an employee at will.
(c) He could only be fired for a good reason.
(d) He could be fired for any reason.
(e) He could be fired for any reason except a bad reason.
NOTE: Choice A was his argument before the California Supreme Court, which rejected it.
2. Under the FMLA:
(a) Both men and women are entitled to leave from their jobs for childbirth, adoption, or a serious health condition of their own or in their immediate family
(b) An employee is entitled to 12 weeks of paid leave. 
(c) An employee is entitled to leave to care for any member of his household, including pets.
(d) An employee who takes a leave is entitled to return to the exact job she left.
(e) All employees in the country are covered.

3. Which of the following statements is true under the public policy doctrine:
(a) An employee can be fired for any reason.
(b) An employee can be fired for threatening a coworker.
(c) An employee can be fired for filing a workers’ compensation claim.
(d) An employee can be fired for violating company policy even if he does so to save someone’s life.
(e) An employee can be fired for refusing to lie under oath on the witness stand.

4. A whistleblower is:
(a) always protected by the law.
(b) never protected by the law.
(c) always protected when filing suit under the False Claims Act.
(d) always protected if she is an employee of the federal government.
(e) always protected if she works for a private company.

5. Jack was furious when Hermione left the company in the middle of a very busy sales period. He promised that he would get even with her. Another employer called to check Hermione’s references. Which of the following statements should Jack make, if his goal is to limit his company’s potential liability?
(a) Hermione was generally a good worker, but she was often late arriving at the office. (This is true.)
(b) Hermione tried to run over a coworker with her car. (This is true.)
(c) Hermione wore inappropriate clothing. (This is not true.)
(d) Hermione doesn’t know her debits from her credits (This is not true.)
(e) Hermione worked for this company for a year and a half. Her title was Chief Knowledge Officer. (This is true.)

6. CPA QUESTION: An unemployed CPA generally would receive unemployment compensation benefits if the CPA:
(a) Was fired as a result of the employer’s business reversals.
(b) Refused to accept a job as an accountant while receiving extended benefits.
(c) Was fired for embezzling from a client.
(d) Left work voluntarily without good cause.

Chapter 19 –Practice Exam
Matching Questions
Match the following terms with their definitions:
A. Equal Pay Act.
B. Right to sue letter.
D. Title VII.
E. ADA. 1. Statute that prohibits an employee from being paid at a lesser rate than employees of the opposite sex for equal work.
2. Statute that prohibits employers from discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
3. Permission from the EEOC for a plaintiff to proceed with his case.
4. Statute that prohibits age discrimination.
5. Statute that prohibits discrimination against the disabled.

True/False Questions
Circle true or false:
1. T F In a disparate impact case, an employer may be liable for a rule that is not discriminatory on its face.
2. T F Title VII applies to all aspects of the employment relationship, including hiring, firing, and promotion.
3. T F If more whites than Native Americans pass an employment test, the test violates Title VII.
4. T F Employers that have contracts with the federal government are required to fill a quota of women and minority employees.
5. T F Employers do not have to accommodate an employee’s religious beliefs if doing so would impose an undue hardship on the business.

Multiple-Choice Question

1. Which of the following steps is not required in a disparate treatment case:
(a) The plaintiff must file with the EEOC.
(b) The plaintiff must submit to arbitration
(c) The plaintiff must present evidence of a prima facie case.
(d) The defendant must show that its action had a nondiscriminatory reason.
(e) The plaintiff must show that the defendant’s excuse was a pretext.

2. An employer can legally require all employees to have a high school diploma if:
(a) All of its competitors have such a requirement.
(b) Most of the applicants in the area have a high school diploma.
(c) Shareholders of the company are likely to pay a higher price for the company’s stock if employees have at least a high school diploma.
(d) The company intends to branch out into the high-tech field, in which case a high school diploma would be needed by its employees.
(e) The nature of the job requires those skills.

3. Which of the following employers has violated VII?
(a) Carlos promoted the most qualified employee.
(b) Hans promoted five white males because they were the most senior.
(c) Luke refused to hire a Buddhist to work on a Christian Science newspaper.
(d) Max hired a male corporate lawyer because his clients had more confidence in male lawyers.
(e) Dylan refused to hire a woman to work as an attendant in the men’s locker room.

4. Which of the following activities would not be considered sexual harassment?
(a) Shannon tells Connor she will promote him if he will sleep with her.
(b) Kailen has a screen saver that shows various people having sex.
(c) Paige says she wants “to negotiate Owen’s raise at the Holiday Inn.”
(d) Nancy yells “crap” at the top of her lungs every time her Rotisserie Baseball team loses.
(e) Quid pro quo.

5. Which of the following activities is legal under Title VII?
(a) When Taggart comes to a job interview, he has a white cane. Ann asks him if he is blind.
(b) Craig may refuse to hire Ben, who is blind, to work as a playground supervisor because its essential to the job that the supervisor be able to see what the children are doing.
(c) Concerned about his company’s health insurance rates, Matt requires all job applicants to take a physical.
(d) Concerned about his company’s health insurance rates, Josh requires all new hires to take a physical so that he can encourage them to join some of the preventive treatment programs available at the company.
(e) Jennifer refuses to hire Alexis because her child is ill and she frequently has to take him to the hospital.

Chapter 20– Practice Exam
Matching Questions
Match the following terms with their definitions:
B. Exclusivity
C. Collective bargaining unit
D. Union shop
E. Concerted action
 1. A specific group of employees that a union will represent.
2. The union’s right to be the sole representative of workers.
3. Management interference with a union organizing effort.
4. Picketing and strikes.
5. Workers within specified categories are required to join the union.

True/False Questions
Circle true or false:
1. T F The union and management are both obligated to bargain until they reach a CBA or a court declares the bargaining futile.
2. T F Health benefits are a mandatory subject of bargaining.
3. T F During the last two decades, labor unions have grown by about 15 percent in the United States.
4. T F Workers are entitled to form a union whether management wants them to or not.
5. T F While organizing, workers may not discuss union issues on company property, but may do so off the premises.

Multiple-Choice Questions
1. During a union organizing drive, management urges workers not to join the union, and discusses a competing company which lost business after a union was formed. Management
(a) Committed a ULP by urging workers to reject the union, but did not do so by discussing a competing company.
(b) Committed a ULP by discussing a competing company, but did not do so by urging workers to reject the union.
(c) Committed a ULP both by urging workers to reject the union and by discussing a competitor.
(d) Committed no ULP.
(e) Has violated other sections of the NLRA.

2. Which of these does the NLRA not protect?
(a) Right to form a union.
(b) Right to picket.
(c) Right to strike.
(d) Right to block nonunion workers from company property.
(e) Right to bargain collectively.

3. The CBA at Grey Corp. has expired, as has the CBA at Blue Corp. At Grey, union and management have bargained a new CBA to impasse. Suddenly, Grey locks out all union workers. The next day, during a bargaining session at Blue, management announces that it will not discuss pay increases.
(a) Grey has committed a ULP but Blue has not.
(b) Blue has committed a ULP but Grey has not.
(c) Both Blue and Grey have committed ULPs.
(d) Neither company has created a ULP.
(e) Grey and Blue have violated labor laws, but not by committing ULPs.

4. When the union went on strike, the company replaced Ashley, a union member, with Ben, a nonunion member. The strike is now over, and a Federal court has ruled that this was a ULP strike. Does Ashley get her job back?
(a) The company is obligated to hire Ashley, even if that requires laying off Ben.
(b) The company is obligated to hire Ashley unless that would require laying off Ben.
(c) The company is obligated to hire Ashley only if Ben voluntarily leaves.
(d) The company’s only obligation is to notify Ashley of future job availability.
(e) The company has no obligation at all to Ashley.

5.  When new hires are forced to join an existing union, a union shop ____________ exist.  This kind of arrangement __________________ legal under the NLRA.
(a) does;  is
(b) does;  is not
(c) does not;  is
(d) does not;  is not

Chapter 28 –Practice Exam
Matching Questions
Match the following terms with their definitions:
A. Patent
B. Copyright
C. Trade secrets
D. Trademark
E. Paris Convention
 1. Protects the particular expression of an idea.
2. Words that a business uses to identify its products.
3. Extends patent protection overseas.
4. Grants the inventor exclusive use of an invention.
5. Compilation of information that would give its owner an advantage in business.

True/False Questions
Circle true or false:
1. T F Once you have purchased a CD and copied it onto your iPod, it is legal to give the CD to a friend.
2. T F A provisional patent lasts until the product is used in interstate commerce.
3. T F In the case of corporation, copyright protection lasts 120 years from the product’s creation.
4. T F Under the fair use doctrine, you have the right to make a photocopy of this textbook for a classmate.
5. T F The first person to file the application is entitled a patent over someone else who invented the product first.

Multiple-Choice Questions
1. To receive a patent, an invention must meet all of the following tests, except:
(a) It has not ever been used anyplace in the world.
(b) It is a new idea.
(c) It has never been described in a publication.
(d) It is nonobvious.
(e) It is useful.

2. After the death of Babe Ruth, one of the most famous baseball players of all time, his daughters registered the name, “Babe Ruth” as a trademark. Which of the following uses would be legal without the daughters’ permission?
I. Publication of a baseball calendar with photos of Ruth.
II. Sales of a “Babe Ruth” bat.
III. Sales of Babe Ruth autographs.
(a) Neither I, II, nor III.
(b) Just I.
(c) Just II.
(d) Just III.
(e) I and III.

3. To prove a violation of copyright law, the plaintiff does not need to prove that the infringer actually copied the work, but she does need to prove:
I. The item has a © symbol on it.
II. The infringer had access to the original.
III. The two works are similar.
(a) I, II, and III.
(b) II and III.
(c) I and II.
(d) I and III.
(e) Neither I, II, nor III.

4. Eric is a clever fellow who knows all about computers. He:
I. Removed the author’s name from an article he found on the Internet and sent it via e-mail to his lacrosse team, telling them he wrote it.
II. Figured out how to unscramble his roommate’s cable signal so they could watch cable on a second TV.
III. Taught the rest of his lacrosse team how to unscramble cable signals.
Which of these activities is legal under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act?
(a) I, II, and III.
(b) Neither I, II, nor III.
(c) II and III.
(d) Just III.
(e) Just I.

5. Which of the following items cannot be trademarked?
(a) Color.
(b) Symbol.
(c) Phrase.
(d) Surname.
(e) Shape.

Chapter 29– Practice Exam
Matching Questions
A. Easement.
B. Constructive eviction.
C. Adverse possession.
D. Fixture.
E. Tenancy at will.
F. Tenancy at sufferance.
 1. Landlord’s substantial interference with a tenant’s use and enjoyment of the premises.
2. Gives one person the right to enter land belonging to another and make a limited use of it.
3. Goods that have become attached to real property.
4. A tenancy without fixed duration, which either party may terminate at any time.
5. A method of acquiring ownership of land without ever paying for it.
6. Tenant remains on premises after expiration of true tenancy

True/False Questions
Circle true or false:
1. T F If one joint tenant dies, his interest in the property passes to surviving joint tenants, not to his heirs.
2. T F The federal government has the power to take private property for public use, but local governments have no such power.
3. T F A landlord could be liable for a constructive eviction even if he never asked the tenant to leave.
4. T F A nonrenewable lease of a store, for six months, establishes a tenancy for years.
5. T F A landlord may charge a tenant for normal wear and tear on an apartment, but the charges must be reasonable.

Multiple-Choice Questions
1. Quick, Onyx, and Nash were deeded a piece of land as tenants in common. The deed provided that Quick owned one-half the property and Onyx and Nash owned one-quarter each. If Nash dies, the property will be owned as follows:
(a) Quick 1⁄2, Onyx 1⁄2.
(b) Quick 5⁄8, Onyx 3⁄8.
(c) Quick 1⁄3, Onyx 1⁄3, Nash’s heirs 1⁄3.
(d) Quick 1⁄2, Onyx 1/4, Nash’s heirs 1/4

2. Marta places a large, prefabricated plastic greenhouse in her backyard, with the steel frame bolted into concrete that she poured specially for that purpose. She attaches gas heating ducts and builds a brick walkway around the greenhouse. Now the town wants to raise her real property taxes, claiming that her property has been improved. Marta argues that the greenhouse is not part of the real property. Is it?
(a) The greenhouse is not part of the real property because it was prefabricated.
(b) The greenhouse is not part of the real property because it could be removed.
(c) The greenhouse cannot be part of the real property if Marta owns a fee simple absolute.
(d) The greenhouse is a fixture and is part of the real property.
(e) The greenhouse is an easement, and is part of the real property.

3.   Which of the following forms of tenancy will be created if a tenant stays in possession of leased premises without the landlord’s consent, after the tenant’s one-year written lease expires?
(a) Tenancy at will
(b) Tenancy for years
(c) Tenancy from period to period
(d) Tenancy at sufferance

4.  A tenant renting an apartment under a three-year written lease that does not contain any specific restrictions may be evicted for:
(a) Counterfeiting money in the apartment
(b) Keeping a dog in the apartment
(c) Failing to maintain a liability insurance policy on the apartment
(d) Making structural repairs to the apartment

5. Michael signs a lease for an apartment. The lease establishes a periodic tenancy for one year, starting September 1 and ending the following August 31. Rent is $800 per month. As August 31 approaches, Michael decides he would like to stay another year. He phones the landlord to tell him this, but the landlord is on holiday and Michael leaves a message. Michael sends in the September rent, but on September 15, the landlord tells him the rent is going up to $900 per month. He gives Michael the choice of paying the higher rent or leaving. Michael refuses to leave and continues to send checks for $800. The landlord sues. Landlord will
(a) Win possession of the apartment because the lease expired.
(b) Win possession of the apartment because Michael did not renew it in writing.
(c) Win possession of the apartment because he has the right to evict Michael at any time, for any reason.
(d) Win $1,200 (12 months times $100).
(e) Lose.

Chapter 24–Practice Exam
Matching Questions
Match the following terms with their definitions:
B. Tracing
C. Qualified opinion
E. Vouching
F. Unqualified opinion
 1. Rules for preparing financial statements.
2. Accountants check backwards to ensure there are data to support a transaction.
3. Clean opinion.
4. Rules for conducting audits.
5. Accountants check a transaction forward to ensure it has been properly recorded.
6. There is some uncertainty in the financial statements.

True/False Questions
Circle true or false:
1. T F Auditors are only liable under the 1933 Act if they intentionally misrepresent financial statements.
2. T F Auditors generally are not liable if they follow GAAP and GAAS.
3. T F Under the 1934 Act, accountants are liable for negligent behavior..
4. T F If auditors discover that company officers have committed an illegal act, they must immediately report this wrongdoing to the SEC.
5. T F Under federal law, accounting firms may not provide any consulting services to companies that they audit.

Multiple-Choice Questions
1. To be successful in a suit under the Securities Act of 1933, the plaintiff must prove:
Important mistake in the registration statement Plaintiff lost money
(a) No Yes
(b) No No
(c) Yes No
(d) Yes Yes

2. An accountant is liable to a client for conducting an audit negligently if the accountant:
(a) Acted with intent.
(b) Was a fiduciary of the client.
(c) Failed to exercise due care.
(d) Executed an engagement letter.

3. Which of the following statements about Sarbanes-Oxley is not true?
a. All accounting firms that audit public companies must register with the PCAOB.
b. Auditors must report to the CEO of the company they are auditing.
c. Auditing firms cannot base their employees’ compensation on sales of consulting services to clients.
d. An accounting firm cannot audit a company if one of the client’s top officers has worked for that firm within the prior year and was involved in the company’s audit.
e. Every five years, the lead audit partner must rotate off an audit account.

4. For a client to prove a case of fraud against an accountant, the following element is not required:
(a) The client lost money.
(b) The accountant made a false statement of fact.
(c) The client relied on the false statement.
(d) The accountant knew the statement was false.
(e) The accountant was reckless.

5. Dusty is trying to buy an office building to house his growing consulting firm. When Luke, a landlord, asks to see a set of financials, Dusty asks his accountant Ellen to prepare a set for Luke. Dusty shows these financials to a number of landlords, including Carter. Dusty rents from Carter. Ellen has been careless and the financials are inaccurate. Dusty cannot pay his rent and Carter files suit against Ellen. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Carter will win because Ellen was careless.
(b) Carter will win because Ellen was careless and she knew that landlords would see the financials
(c) Carter will lose because Ellen did not know that he would see the financials.
d) Carter will lose because he had no contract with Ellen.

6. Ted prepared fraudulent financial statements for the Arbor Corp. Lacy read these statements before purchasing stock in the company. When Arbor goes bankrupt, Lacy sues Ted.
(a) Lacy will win because it was foreseeable that she would rely on these statements.
(b) Lacy will win because Ted was negligent.
(c) Lacy will lose because she did not rely on these statements.
(d) Lacy will lose because it was not foreseeable and she did not rely on these statements.
(e) Lacy will lose because it is not foreseeable that she would rely on these statements.

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