In 125 to 200 words each, discuss and critique the concluding paragraphs of at least two of your classmates.Respond to Peers (due Monday, Day 7): In 125 to 200 words each, discuss and critique the concluding paragraphs of at least two of your classmates. Please identify, analyze, and discuss the following:
Rephrased thesis statement
Main points of the argument (e.g., are the main points summarized?)
Closing argument (e.g., was the thesis proven?)
Questions and concerns regarding the development of the closing argument
Substantiate your ideas and suggestions with specific examples from your classmates’ concluding paragraphs and the assigned reading materials.
Please review the Week Three Discussion 2 Peer Response Template before writing your response.
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Write My Essay For MeMy conclusion’s closing argument is…..
People have different work environments and goals. The true choice of telecommuting is made by the employee. Which traits to the work environment are more important to the employee? Telecommuting adverse side can leave you susceptible to loneliness. It may drive a person to become a workaholic. Teleworking can also have a negatively affect an employee’s networking ability. The end game to most of our jobs is to become financially stable. Telecommuting provides a strong start to financial gain. The figures in the paper detail it. You need a healthy mind and body to spend money. Telecommuting delivers a stress-free environment from home. It also offers an environment less contaminated with germs and viruses spread in the community. The best option I see is the opportunity to be around family more often. If my 20 years in the military taught me anything is that family will be there after retirement and then some. We need to make sure they are taken care of. There are negative traits to telecommuting. The positive traits outweigh the negative thru heath, finances and family attributes. When it comes time to leave the United States Air Force telecommuting will most defiantly be one of the options I inquiry about.
The post In 125 to 200 words each, discuss and critique the concluding paragraphs of at least two of your classmates.Respond to Peers (due Monday, Day 7): In 125 to 200 words each, discuss and critique the concluding paragraphs of at least two of your classmates. Please identify, analyze, and discuss the following: appeared first on Wise Papers.
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