If you had been appointed in Fiona Jenkin’s place, would you have handled things in the same way?
Based on the case study, “Service Redesign at South Devon Hospital Trust”” answer the following 2 questions:
1. With reference to the literature on leadership, critically explore the leadership approaches demonstrated by the Fiona Jenkins.
( include following :
A. demonestrate understanding of theory supported with evidence based ( no need long explaination of theory no need summarize case studey only one sentence , give summarry of theory or extract from theory what can apply in case )
B. how theory can applied in practice
C. what theory of leadership is reflective in the case
D. References ok if >5 yr ( minimum 8) do not use diagram, table, bullet points
E. It should be structured :
a. Introduction: ( 1 paragraph how will you approch assignment what theory will you discuss)
b. Body ( main answer assignment you may use subheadings )
c. Conclusion ( what have been done )
d. Example approche : ( you may either :1 focus on one theory ex: transformational leadership : say in intro why you focus ? then structured according to 4 I `s OR 2- use all types of theory ( because her case is complex tasks : use example of each theory then say where we apply in her case )
e. Example: ……this theory is best describe style of Jenkins , in this assignment will be talking on transformation & will elaborate on 4 I`s , give example of each I
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Write My Essay For Me2. If you had been appointed in Fiona Jenkin’s place, would you have handled things in the same way?
a. Rationale use : I , my perspective if suggested different approach what theory will you use incluro,body,conclusion
Part 2: (should have its own reference)
Using your knowledge of strategic analysis and planning, critically evaluate the strategy of your own organisation. If your organisation does not have a written strategy, obtain and analyse a relevant strategic plan from an organisation that is similar to yours.
– use separate Reference than part 1 should have intro, body conclusion
This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment.
Submission guidance:
Please submit a SINGLE document in PDF format meeting the requirements for assignment submission on Moodle
Additional Guidance:
It is recommended that you refer to the following resources to assist you in the design, development, writing, formatting & submitting of your assignment:
Student Handbook, Referencing Guide, The “Information & Library Seeking Skills” online course
Please note:
During your in-class session and thereafter via your VLE course site we will be providing additional insight & guidance to support your assignment.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
1. Appraise the importance of leadership in organisations and contrast the functions of leadership and management.
2. Critique various traditional, new and modern leadership models and critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of those models in applied settings.
3. Evaluate the concept of situational leadership and demonstrate the importance of flexibility in leadership style.
4. Conduct an in-depth analysis of their preferred leadership style and consider its implications for their work and for the development of their leadership capability.
5. Interpret the concept of strategy and describe the formulation and implementation of strategic plans.
6. Evaluate the impact of the external and internal environmental factors on strategy and change management and conduct a strategic analysis on their organisations and its environment using a variety of tools.
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