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Identify the forces within the health care field and society as a whole that leads to increased government participation in the delivery of health care including the nature of health maintenance organizations and managed care.

Identify the forces within the health care field and society as a whole that leads to increased government participation in the delivery of health care including the nature of health maintenance organizations and managed care.

ASSIGNMENT04 HE320Medical Sociology Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be three (3) to six (6) pages in length; refer to the ”Assignment Format” page for specific format requirements. In Lessons 1-4 you have learned a great deal of information on theoretical explanations of the sociology of health, illness, and health care.This written assignment will allow you to provide practical application of concepts learned from Lessons 1-4. This written assignment contains two parts. In the first part, you will combine the questions presented for lessons 1-4. Please see list of questions below and provide responses: Part I Lesson 1 Please answer the following question in 250 words or more. What contribution does Parsons concept of a sick role make to our understanding of sickness in society? What are the weaknesses of that concept? Lesson 2 In 250 words or more, answering the following essay question: Ethnicity affects individuals health in many different ways. Compare the effect of ethnicity on health for two ethnic groups (of your choice), summarizing and explaining the similarities and differences between them. Lesson 3 In 250 words or more, please answer the following question: Why has HIV/AIDS spread more rapidly in Africa than in the United States? Why has heterosexual transmission played a greater role in Africa? Lesson 4 Please answer the following question in 250 words or more. Critique the medical model of mental illness, using evidence from the reading material from lesson 4. Part II For part two of the assignment, you are asked to find a newspaper article or peer-reviewed journal article related to material covered in class or in the text and provide a written analysis of the article that explores a medical sociological aspect of the ideas or events depicted within the article.



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