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Individual Reflective Journal Specifications Purpose:
The Individual Reflective Journal is to ensure each student is able to contribute to document a critical reflection of their personal learning process, as experienced during this unit. A significant aspect of the reflective journal will be your reflections on what you learnt and experienced from your individual assignment.
Assignment Task:
1. Reflections on the selected peer reviewed journal article based on the assignment topic. What went well, what did not go to plan, how did you addressed any difficulties, and what had you learnt from it.
2. Reflections on the research experience. What was enjoyable, what was difficult, what insights had you gained, and any issues, challenges you experienced.
3. Reflections on what you had learned from the individual assignment, including the relevance of budgeting as a management technique to businesses today. What insights had you gained and what had you learnt from it.
Marking criteria:
Marking criteria Weighting
1. Reflections on the selected peer reviewed journal articles based on the assignment topics. 3%
2. Reflections on the research experience 3%
3. Reflections on what were learned from the individual assignment 4%
TOTAL Weight 10%
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Marking Rubric
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
1. Reflections on the selected peer reviewed journal article based on the assignment topics.
(3 marks) Excellent reflections on the selected peer reviewed journal article based on the assignment topics.
3 marks Very good reflections on the selected peer reviewed journal article based on the assignment topics.
2.5 marks Good reflections on the selected peer reviewed journal article based on the assignment topics.
2 marks
Reasonable reflections on the selected peer reviewed journal article based on the assignment topics.
1.5 marks Unable to present a proper reflection on the selected peer reviewed journal article based on the assignment topics.
1 mark
2.Reflections on the research experience
(3 marks) Excellent reflections on the research experience.
3 marks Very good reflections on the research experience.
2.5 marks Good reflections on the research experience.
2 marks
Reasonable reflections on the research experience.
1.5 marks Unable to present a proper reflection on the research experience.
1 mark
3. Reflections on what were learned from the
(4 marks) Excellent reflections on the insights gained from the individual assignment.
3 marks Very good reflections on the insights gained from the individual assignment.
2.5 marks Good reflections on the insights gained from the individual assignment.
2 marks
Reasonable reflections on the insights gained from the individual assignment.
1.5 marks Unable to present a proper reflection on the insights gained from the individual assignment.
1 mark
Total Marks (10)
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