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Discussion Question:

Review your reading of Module 2 from Week One. Focus on questions of audience such as what is discussed in your book (Locker & Kaczmarek, 2014, p. 22). More importantly, closely read Module 7 on positive emphasis and Module 8 on Reader Benefits. Focus on questions like “How do I create positive emphasis?” (p. 102) and “Why do Reader Benefits Work?” (p. 113).

After reading the pages required above, please respond to the following questions. Be sure to reference your book at least once (and cite it in-text and in a reference at the bottom):


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  1. How can you convey positive messages about yourself both in your professional communication and your e-Portfolio?
  2. Based on your reading, why do you think positive messaging is important? Please quote from your reading and cite it appropriately in-text.
  3. In what cases are positive messaging especially important for your field?
  4. Please review these five e-Portfolios. (You may look for others on the web related to your specific field.) What stands out to you, and what would you like to imitate?

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