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Data analysis and design – assginment 3



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Please see the scenario from Assignment brief 1.

Task 1 : (LO4 4.1, 4.2, 4.4) + Merit grade M3Distinction grade: D1  (merrit-ass3.png)

1. Database Testing Stage (4.1, 4.4):

Produce a test plan and execute it. You must include:

·         Normal scenario

·         Data validation

·         Extremes of data

·         Query execution (the queries to execute the test cases)

You will need to critically review the actual outcomes of the tests against your expected outcomes; were your tests adequate and appropriate; did they cover all user requirements?

2. Create appropriate documentation to support the implementation of the database, how it is supposed to work and how to maintain it (4.2). Sections for your documentation might include:

·         Introduction.

·         ERD.

·         Possible and realistic improvements.

·         Current version number.

·         Date last changed and implemented.

3. Then add a section to your review which explains why, and how, validation/verification were used, or could have been used, in your final solution (from the screens designed and the supporting queries) ( 4.4).

Task 2  (LO4 4.3)

Write a user guide for the relational database solution. Make sure you explain:

·         the user interfaces

·         step by step how to achieve the functionality provided, for all paths through your solution.

Task 3 (LO4 4.5)

Write a report which explains how control mechanisms have been used. The report should cover the whole database development lifecycle through to final customer signoff. Specifically, please create the following sign-off forms (to ensure TQM).

Write a short report regarding Total Quality Management

– What is it?

– Why should we use it?

– What is the cost for TQM?

To prove that you are following systematic processes (with phases) and you delivered high quality deliverables, you will need to prepare following signoff documents.

Please create following forms for phase complete signoff

– Project initial document signoff

– Project development signoff

– User acceptance test signoff

– Documentation signoff

 Please complete following forms for deliverable signoff

– Normalized ERD deliverable signoff

– Coded Database deliverable signoff

– Screen design deliverable signoff

– Test result and test evaluation deliverable signoff

– User manual deliverable signoff

– Technical documentation deliverable signoff

The sample forms are in the same folder with this assignment brief.

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