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comprehensive understanding of a relevant topic

A comprehensive understanding of a relevant topic through research and application to your role

and/or organisation and/or industry. This topic should develop your discipline knowledge beyond that acquired in your role, and your skills as a critical enquirer and problem solver (3500-4000 words)


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You must only draw on secondary research i.e. relevant academic literature for your report to support your discussion (peer reviewed only).

1. You must not disclose any confidential information or complete any primary research.

2. The work must not have previously been submitted by yourself or another person.

3. All researched information must be acknowledged by citing and referencing in APA 6th ed.

Your Topic (3500-4000 words):

o Introduce your topic and discuss how your topic can be applied to your role and/or organisation

and/or industry.

Just for your information,

  • My chosen topic: Ethics in accounting

(including an actual case study of Enron:

e.g. Conflict of interest: Arthur Anderson had a conflict of interest as auditors of Enron because of the relationship that had developed with their clients. Arthur Anderson LLP, had had a long relationship with Enron, and the relationship had become friendly rather than professional. As a result, Arthur Anderson failed to maintain a professional distance from their client, and when auditing Enron’s books they failed to act in a neutral and unbiased way. This resulted in failure to report non-compliance with the professional accounting standards. This failure enabled Enron to hide massive financial losses that should have been public knowledge. Arthur Andersons failure led to a crisis of confidence in accounting standards and practices).

  • My industry: Industry of Accounting
  • My role: assistant accountant (intern: only done GST returns and PAYE tasks)
  • My organisation: SME (chartered accounting firm)

o Write up your findings from your research (use informative subheadings) in which you demonstrate

a comprehensive understanding of your topic.

o To demonstrate your understanding of the topic it is expected that you will analyse, synthesise and

evaluate the material and evidence you have gathered.

o Organise your material and evidence based on your analysis, research and evaluation to arrive at

conclusions and if appropriate recommendations.

o Discuss how these conclusions/recommendations relate to your role, organisation and/or industry.

Academic Integrity:

Don’t forget

o to acknowledge all the sources of the information you use

o referencing is the formal acknowledgement of the source of any material (other than your own

ideas) used in your work

o the source material used should NOT include work from other students or have been submitted by

you in previous course work.

Use third person in Section B – use objective, unbiased report writing

Introduce topic and briefly discuss how the topic can be applied to your role and/or organisation and/or industry.

Write up findings from your research – demonstrate comprehensive understanding of your topic.

Analyse, synthesise and evaluate the material and evidence you gathered – support your claims.

Organise your material based on your analysis, research and evaluation to arrive at conclusions and if appropriate recommendations.

Discuss how these conclusions/recommendations relate to your role, organisation and/or industry.

Use of subheadings is REQUIRED to guide your reader


Issue: identify the issues

Theory : explain the relevant theory

Application: apply theory to the facts

Conclusion: draw conclusions

<Marking Criteria>

  • Comprehensive understanding of relevant concepts and theories; the analysis, synthesis and application of knowledge is consistently clear and effective
  • Examines the topic extensively and discusses multiple perspectives appropriate to the topic through research undertaken.
  • Analyses and applies topic to role/organisation or industry in depth.
  • Demonstrates clear insights and provides relevant findings and conclusions and recommendations where appropriate.
  • Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the task.
  • Expressed ideas clearly and concisely.
  • The language contains very few, if any errors in grammar and vocabulary. If slips are present, the meaning is still clear.
  • Conventions of academic writing (e.g. references, citations) are followed meticulously.

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