COURSE: Master of Business Administration Unit: Unit Code: Type of Assessment: Master of Business Administration BUS502 — Accounting for Managers Assessment 2 — Individual Assignment Unit Learning Outcomes addressed: Criteria for Assessment: Assessment Task: a) Understand the differences between financial and management accounting and articulate the role of management accounting for managers in terms of planning, controlling and decision making. b) Identify the skills that managers need to succeed, including strategic management skills; enterprise risk management skills; process management skills (lean production, theory of constraints); measurement skills; and leadership skills. c) Demonstrate an ability to work both independently and as a team member in gathering, analysing and presenting financial data. d) Analyse and interpret financial reports, and calculate ratios in order to assess business performance, position and liquidity. e) Demonstrate the importance of ethics and corporate social responsibility in business. • Determination and critical analysis of the key issues and/or problems in the case study (10/35) • Synthesis of the relevant literature and the research undertaken (10/35) • Design of alternative solutions or options for consideration (10/35) * Clear explanation defending the analysis and assessment of issues, alternative solutions and recommendation to a broad audience (5/35) Students will be presented with a case study involving analysis of a company’s annual report. Students will: 1. prepare written answers to a set of questions related to the case study, and 2. submit an individual report based on the questions as though it were a
Submission Date: Total Mark & Weighting: formal report to senior management concerning the analysis. Week 11 (online submission) 35 marks ( 35% Students are advised that without approved calculated from the total any submissions past the due date without an approved extension or extenuating circumstances incurs a 5% penalty per calendar day, mark e.g. a task marked out of 35 will incur a 1.75 mark penalty yg calendar day.
You are the new CEO of and the Australian Board has asked you to expand into a new industry by buying a leading Australian (LISTED) company in your chosen industry. For example, if you chose to expand into Retail, then you would consider buying Westfield or Coles Myer Group. If you chose to expand into Fast Food Chain, then you might buy McDonald or Domino Pizza.
Please provide a business report on recommending the “Company” that Google should buy and explain WHY? Your professional business report supporting your recommendation should contain:
1) Company brief such as the name, year of establishment, history, background, the product/service they sell and the current share price?
2) What is their Mission, Vision and Goals? Do they align with’s expansion plan? You might want to do some background research on Google.
3) Describe their strategic plan and they how did they perform in the past 3 years? Please refer to the Chairman’s and CEO’s Reports. Give your opinion as to whether they are on track to reach their company’s goals.
4) Who are the auditors and what are their opinion?
5) Complete a throughout financial analysis on the company by highlighting the following:
• Sales performance • Cashflow trend (e.g. over 5 years) • Balance Sheet Analysis — how does the company borrows? • Profit & Loss Analysis — what is the company’s margin • Profitability ratios • Liquidity ratios • Asset turnover ratios • Leverage ratios
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