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BSBMKG512 Forecast international market

Assessment Guide:

BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

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 Australian College of Business Intelligence

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Version: 20.0

Date Modified: April 2020

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1. Assessment Information 4

A. Purpose of assessment 4

B. What you are required to do 4

C. Competencies being assessed 4

D. Important resources for completing this assessment 6

E. A note on plagiarism and referencing 6

F. A note on questions with role plays 7

G. Instructions for completing this assessment 7

2. Assessment Coversheet 8

3. Assessment Questions 9

A. Task A – Demonstrate forecasting knowledge 9

B. Task B – Collect market intelligence and review business performance 12

C. Task C – Evaluate a specific market 19

D. Task D – Write a business report 21

4. Student Self Checklist 22

1. Assessment Information

A. Purpose of assessment

This assessment will develop your skills and knowledge required to gather intelligence about an international target market to inform business development.

B. What you are required to do

For this assessment, you are required to complete 4 tasks:

  • Task A – Demonstrate forecasting knowledge
  • Task B – Collect market intelligence and review business performance
  • Task C – Evaluate a specific market
  • Task D – Write a business report

All tasks of this assessment require you to use the provided case study information relating to the fictional company Parkville.

C. Competencies being assessed


To achieve competency in this unit you must demonstrate your ability to:

  1. Collect market intelligence
  2. Review current business performance and capability
  3. Evaluate the specific market
  4. Document how business can meet current and emerging needs of the target market

Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to:

  • Analyse information from a range of sources and apply forecasting techniques to identify international market and business needs, including:
    • Collection of market intelligence
    • Review of current business performance and capability
    • Review of effectiveness of international marketing or positioning
    • Evaluation of specific international markets
    • Networking and professional development
  • Identify opportunities for improved performance in the international market including consideration of:
    • Re-development or withdrawal of under-performing products or services
    • Under-serviced markets
    • Market changes with a direct link to the organisation’s strengths or capabilities
    • Gaps in competitor products or services
    • Strategic alliances and cooperative business models
    • Greater market penetration with existing products or services
    • New businesses and franchising
    • New products or services to target specific markets
  • Evaluate commercial services providing market intelligence and access as appropriate
  • Produce a written report outlining how the business can meet current and emerging needs of targeted international markets

Knowledge Evidence

To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:

  • Give examples of cultural, historical, political, economic and general knowledge of international events that may have an impact on international business activity in the industry
  • Explain forecasting techniques including:
    • Bottom-up forecasting
    • Delphi techniques
    • Model building
    • Projection
    • Scenario planning
    • Surveys of intentions
    • Top-down forecasting
  • Outline internal and external sources of information relevant to forecasting international market and business needs including:
    • Core activities, customer base, business values and current business direction
    • Marketing and other business performance
    • Comparative market information
    • Changes in technology
    • Demographic changes
    • political events
    • Social and cultural factors
    • Economic trends
    • Government activities and legislative changes
    • Industry trends
  • Outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organisation in relation to forecasting market and business needs
  • Give examples of software applications that are commonly used in market analysis and forecasting and outline their key features

For further information on the competencies of this unit, please refer to:

D. Important resources for completing this assessment

To complete this assessment, please refer to the following resources provided on Moodle:

  • BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide
  • BSBMKG512 Observation checklist
  • BSBMKG512 Marking Guide
  • BSBMKG512 Case study folder
  • BSBMKG512 Legislation, regulation, codes and standards folder
  • Additional student assessment information

E. A note on plagiarism and referencing

Plagiarism is a form of theft where the work, ideas, inventions etc. of other people are presented as your own.

When quoting or paraphrasing from a source such as the Internet, the source must be recognised. If you are quoting a source, make sure to acknowledge this by including “quotation marks” around the relevant words/sentences or ideas. Note the source at the point at which it is included within your assessment, such as by using a citation. Then list the full details of the source in a ‘references’ section at the end of your assessment.

All sources used for your assessment should be detailed in a ‘references’ section. It is advisable to never copy another person’s work.

F. A note on questions with role plays

Task B, Question B8 involves a role play. For this question, as outlined below, you will be assessed on your ability to role play being an International Marketing Manager at Parkville. This question requires you to manage a meeting and take notes on what is discussed.

Your Trainer & Assessor will also observe your meeting for Task B, Question B8.

Please note: You will also need to attend separate meetings organised by other students whereby you role play being other people. This allows other students in your unit to also role play being the International Marketing Manager. You do not need to take notes at meetings during which you are not role playing being the Project Manager.

G. Instructions for completing this assessment

Answer the questions below using the spaces provided:

  • Answer all parts of each question
  • Use your own words and give examples wherever possible
  • The quality of your answer is more important than how long it is
  • Enter your answers in this document

You may use various sources of information to inform your answers, including your resources provided by ACBI, books, and online sources. You must acknowledge and cite your sources.

Submission via Moodle

Please refer to the “Instructions for Submitting Your Assessment” found within the unit course page on Moodle.

NOTE: Please take care to follow all instructions listed. Assessments uploaded with a draft status on Moodle may not be graded.

2. Assessment Coversheet

Candidate Name:
Student ID:
Contact Number:
Trainer / Assessor Name:
Qualification:BSB50815 Diploma of International Business
Units of Competency:BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs
Assessment Tasks:☐ A. Demonstrate forecasting knowledge ☐ B. Collect market intelligence and review business performance ☐ C. Evaluate a specific market ☐ D. Write a business report
Due Date:
Date Submitted:
Declaration:I have read and understood the following information at the beginning of this assessment guide (please tick):
☐ Assessment information ☐ Submitting assessments ☐ Plagiarism and referencing
I declare this assessment is my own work and where the work is of others, I have fully referenced that material.
Name (please print):
Candidate signature:

3. Assessment Questions

A. Task A – Demonstrate forecasting knowledge

Task A instructions
Answer the questions below to demonstrate your knowledge of forecasting market needs.
A1. Identify two or more software applications that are used for market analysis and forecasting. Then briefly outline the key features of each software application.
NOTE: Refer to pages 31-32 of the “BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

A2. Describe at least two internal sources of information that you can use when forecasting international market and business needs.
NOTE: Refer to pages 7-8 of the “BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

A3. Outline at least two external sources you can use to gather information on the following:
Changes in technology Demographic changes Political events Social and cultural factors Economic trends Government activities and legislative changes Industry trends NOTE: Refer to page 36-42 of the “BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

A4. In your own words, provide a brief explanation of each of the following forecasting techniques:
Bottom-up forecasting Delphi techniques Model building Projection Scenario planning Surveys of intentions Top-down forecasting NOTE: Refer to pages 51-54 of the “BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 150-300 words.

Forecasting technique Explanation Bottom-up forecasting Write your answer here

Delphi techniques Write your answer here

Model building Write your answer here

Projection Write your answer here

Scenario planning Write your answer here

Surveys of intentions Write your answer here

Top-down forecasting Write your answer here

B. Task B – Collect market intelligence and review business performance

Task B instructions
You are an International Marketing Manager at Parkville. You have been tasked with reviewing Parkville’s international business and market performance.
Read the “BSBMKG512 Case study information” document provided on Moodle for further information on Parkville. Then answer the questions below.
B1. Summarise the following key information for Parkville:
Core activities Customer base Business values Current business direction Current marketing performance NOTE: Refer to pages 16-20 of the “BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide” document and the “BSBMKG512 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 150-300 words.

Business aspect Summary Core activities Write your answer here

Customer base Write your answer here

Business values Write your answer here

Current business direction Write your answer here

Current marketing performance Write your answer here

B2. Analyse the effectiveness of Parkville’s past international marketing campaign. To do so, compare the results achieved against the performance benchmarks set. Then write a brief description of whether the campaign over or under performed on each measure and why.
NOTE: Refer to pages 19-20 of the “BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide” document and the “BSBMKG512 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Metric Performance benchmark Results achieved Description of performance Reach

Write your answer here


Write your answer here


Write your answer here

B3. Review the data on Parkville’s overall performance provided in the case study document. Then outline strengths, weakness and critical success factors relevant to its international business.
NOTE: Refer to pages 21-22 of the “BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.

Strengths Weaknesses Critical success factors Write your answer here

Write your answer here

Write your answer here

B4. Review Parkville’s current capabilities and resources. Then describe two or more areas for improvement.
NOTE: Refer to pages 23-24 of the “BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide” document and the “BSBMKG512 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

B5. Identify two under-performing products Parkville has. For each one, describe if the product should be withdrawn or redeveloped.
NOTE: Refer to pages 25-26 of the “BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide” document and the “BSBMKG512 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

B6. Compare Parkville’s market share against that of its competitors. Then briefly describe its current competitive position.
NOTE: Refer to pages 27-28 of the “BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide” document and the “BSBMKG512 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

B7. Briefly explain how you will gather further market intelligence for Parkville through:
Networking activities Trade fairs and conferences NOTE: Refer to pages 6-8 of the “BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide” document and the “BSBMKG512 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.
Write your answer here

You have now reviewed Parkville’s business and marketing performance. To better understand how Parkville can improve its international marketing, a consultant has been hired. Set up a meeting with: You, acting as the International Marketing Manager at Parkville The Marketing Consultant, as role played by another student in your unit NOTE: Your Trainer & Assessor will also observe this meeting and complete an observation checklist.

WHAT YOU NEED TO DO BEFORE YOUR MEETING: Organise a day and time for your meeting, in line with the availability of other students in your unit as well as your Trainer & Assessor. This meeting should take no more than 5 minutes. You are required to manage the meeting. Prior to the meeting ensure you have read the instructions below on what you’ll be required to do during the meeting and prepare as necessary.

Use the meeting to: Summarise your understanding of the consultant’s marketing recommendations Confirm your understanding of the recommendations with the consultant Ask the consultant at least one question about Parkville’s international marketing Ensure you take note of what you discuss during the meeting.

WHAT YOU NEED TO DO AFTER YOUR MEETING: Record notes of what was discussed during your meeting, including the feedback received.
Answer in 40-80 words.

Meeting notes
Write your answer here

B9. Parkville is looking at using an external provider to run surveys to learn more about XYZ’s international target market. The Product Marketing Manager at Parkville has identified two services that may be suitable.
Outline the strengths and weaknesses of each service provider using the table provided below. NOTE: Refer to pages 9-10 of the “BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide” document and the “BSBMKG512 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.

Service Provider 1: Insert the provider’s name Strengths Weaknesses Write your answer here

Write your answer here

Service Provider 2: Insert the provider’s name Strengths Weaknesses Write your answer here

Write your answer here

C. Task C – Evaluate a specific market

Task C instructions
You now need to evaluate Parkville’s international market, including analysing trends and developments.
Ensure you have read the “BSBMKG512 Case study information” document provided on Moodle, then answer the questions below.
C1. Identify two trends and developments that are impacting Parkville’s international business. For each trend or development, briefly describe what impact it is having on the business.
NOTE: Refer to pages 30-33, 41-42 of the “BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide” document and the “BSBMKG512 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 60-120 words.
Write your answer here

C2. Review the data and information provided in the case study on Parkville’s competitors. Then describe threats and opportunities provided by these competitors.
NOTE: Refer to pages 34-40 of the “BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide” document and the “BSBMKG512 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 40-80 words.

Threats Opportunities Write your answer here

Write your answer here

C3. Outline legal, ethical and environmental considerations for Parkville’s international business.
NOTE: Refer to pages 43-44 of the “BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide” document and the “BSBMKG512 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 80-160 words.
Area Considerations Legal Write your answer here

Ethical Write your answer here

Environmental Write your answer here

D. Task D – Write a business report

Task D instructions
Now you have analysed Parkville’s business performance and relevant market trends, you need to write a report on the company’s international market.
Ensure you have read the “BSBMKG512 Case study information” document provided on Moodle, then answer the questions below.
D1. Prepare a report on Parkville’s international market which:

Describes how Parkville’s competitors are under-servicing market needs Outlines market trends that link positively to Parkville’s strengths Forecasts emerging market needs based on the identified trends Identifies two or more changes Parkville needs to make to take advantage of these trends Includes an outline of the advantages and disadvantages of at least two forecasting techniques in an appendix
Use the template provided on Moodle called “BSBMKG512 International market report template” to create your report.
Save your report as “BSBMKG512 International market report – Your Name”, replacing “Your Name” with your first and last names.
Ensure you submit your report as part of your assessment. NOTE: Refer to pages 46-58 of the “BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs learner guide” document and the “BSBMKG512 Case study information” document provided on Moodle to inform your answer. Answer in 200-500 words.

4. Student Self Checklist

A. Student Self Checklist for Tasks A – D

Candidate name:
Unit of Competency:BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs
Place a tick ‘ ’ in the Yes (“Y”) column for each question you have completed all parts for.
Task A – Demonstrate forecasting knowledge

Did you:
A1: Identify two or more software applications that are used for market analysis and forecasting? Then briefly outline the key features of each software application?
A2: Describe at least two internal sources of information that you can use when forecasting international market and business needs?
A3: Outline at least two external sources that can be used to gather information on the following: Changes in technology? Demographic changes? Political events? Social and cultural factors? Economic trends? Government activities and legislative changes? Industry trends?
A4: Provide a brief explanation of each of the following forecasting techniques: Bottom-up forecasting? Delphi techniques? Model building? Projection? Scenario planning? Surveys of intentions? Top-down forecasting?
Task B – Collect market intelligence and review business performance

Did you:
B1: Summarise the following key information for Parkville: Core activities? Customer base? Business values? Current business direction? Current marketing performance?
B2: Compare the results Parkville’s past marketing campaign achieved against the performance benchmarks set? Then write a brief description of whether the campaign over or under performed on each measure and why?
B3: Outline strengths, weakness and critical success factors relevant to Parkville’s international business?
B4: Review Parkville’s current capabilities and resources, then describe two or more areas for improvement?
B5: Identify two under-performing products Parkville has? For each one, describe if the product should be withdrawn or redeveloped?
B6: Compare Parkville’s market share against that of its competitors? Then briefly describe its current competitive position?
B7: Briefly explain how you will gather further market intelligence for Parkville through: Networking activities? Trade fairs and conferences?
B8: Set up a meeting with: You, acting as the International Marketing Manager at Parkville? The Marketing Consultant, as role played by another student in your unit? Use the meeting to: Summarise your understanding of the consultant’s marketing recommendations? Confirm your understanding of the recommendations with the consultant? Ask the consultant at least one question about Parkville’s international marketing? After the meeting, record notes of what was discussed?
B9: Outline the strengths and weaknesses of two service providers?
Task C – Evaluate a specific market

Did you:
C1: Identify two trends and developments that are impacting Parkville’s international business? For each trend or development, briefly describe what impact it is having on the business?
C2: Describe threats and opportunities provided by Parkville’s competitors?
C3: Outline legal, ethical and environmental considerations for Parkville’s international business?
Task D – Write a business report

Did you:
D1: Prepare a report on Parkville’s international market which: Describes how Parkville’s competitors are under-servicing market needs? Outlines market trends that link positively to Parkville’s strengths? Forecasts emerging market needs based on the identified trends? Identifies two or more changes Parkville needs to make to take advantage of these trends? Includes an outline of the advantages and disadvantages of at least two forecasting techniques in an appendix? Save the report as “BSBMKG512 International market report – Your Name”, replacing “Your Name” with your first and last names? Upload the report as part of your assessment submission?

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