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Best Of Best (Ethics Paper)

Prompt: Describe how Eternal Law and Natural Law are demonstrated through each other. Make sure to describe the ends that human beings ought to pursue on Aquinas’ formulation of natural law. Using Aquinas’ explanation of positive law (human law), give an example of a law, historical or contemporary, that was largely thought to be correct, but was repealed or reformed in light of new laws.

Required Reading: Aquinas, “Natural Law”; Rachels, Ch. 4, Sections 4.3 & 4.4


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*Whenever you are responding to this essay prompt, please keep in mind you are responding to the theories and positions presented in the assigned readings and lectures. You are not directly responding to, attacking, or defending the personal beliefs of any person or persons. You task in this discussion board is it to investigate morality in an objective and impartial manner. Stick to what you can argue for using the facts and reasoning at your disposal. Be respectful and contact me with any questions.

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