BAO6714 Trimester
Group Research Report (30%)
Due Dates : See VU Collaborate
• See Assignment dropbox (Turnitin) on VU Collaborate for final due date
• For each day the assignment is late a 5% penalty will apply up to 10 days from
the due date. After this date no assignments will be accepted.
• Please start immediately with the assignment and you may submit as many times
as you like from today on VU Collaborate.
“… enterprises are faced with the immediate need to embrace the digital age to match
the new and evolving business models and offer decision makers with instant insight. “
SAP S/4HANA allows an enterprise to create a consolidated view of all operational and
financial data to offer flexible and easy reporting along with automation of processes. It also
offers real-time analytics, simulations and forecasting with a great user experience. Benefits
of SAP S/4HANA include but is not limited to ‘single source of truth, faster forecasting and
planning, ‘on the fly capacities’, new reporting and analytic support, global regulatory and
compliance abilities across all languages, currencies and industries, faster month closing,
integrated with Fiori etc.
Discuss these statements using case study examples (from literature searches) to demonstrate
the benefits of SAP S/4HANA Enterprise Management.
Your paper should include the following areas :
• A brief historical overview of SAP S/4HANA Enterprise Management focussing on
the database aspect in particular
• The use of Fiori in comparison to t-codes
• What are the changes in S4(Simple Finance) that is different to SAP FICO ECC
version ? Discuss citing some examples.
• Discuss some issues faced by companies migrating to SAP S/4HANA and how they
have overcome these issues. (Minimum 2 companies)
Your task is to produce a 3000 – 4000 word research paper which discusses the issues
relating to the above. The paper should demonstrate a depth and breadth of reading
and should be appropriately referenced. The paper should be referenced using the
Harvard referencing standards and formatted according to the approved style guide.
Your report must include the following:
Introduction: | Introduction to the topic, a statement of the purpose of the report and a brief description of the report’s structure. |
Body: Discuss, compare and/or contrast different perspectives and present
arguments supporting the purpose of the report. Use relevant business
case studies to illustrate key points. All points must be presented with
Harvard citations to high quality (journal/book) references that have a
corresponding entry in your reference list.
Tell us about your assignment and we will find the best writer for your project
Write My Essay For MeConclusion: | A summary of the points you have made in the body of the report. These should match your stated purpose. |
Reference list: A complete Harvard format reference list. Review the Library style guide
for citation and reference list examples
Presentation: You should include a title page that has your name and the title of your
report. Every page should feature a footer that includes your name,
student ID, and page number.
You should review: for some general help on
academic writing, especially the sections on essays and referencing. Review the Library
Harvard style guide for citation and reference list examples
Your report must be submitted via the Research Assignment drop box link on VU
Collaborate (this links to Turnitin) in MS Word format. Name your file using your team
leader’s student ID in the form s3999999RR.docx and where the 3999999 is replaced
by your leader’s student number. Your report document submitted to Turnitin must include
only a title page, your report, and the reference list. Ensure that all student’s names and
ID are listed on the document. If any names are missing then that steam meber will
receive no marks for this assessment. Your submission on Turnitin will be marked
electronically, so ensure it is complete. Note that if your lecturer asks you for a hard copy,
you must submit the complete originality report version produced from Turnitin.
Notes on referencing, paraphrasing, Turnitin and similarity
You must include citations with matching references to demonstrate research relating to
the discussion and analysis in the body of your report. You should aim to paraphrase
sources where possible, writing the report in your own words and including citations and
corresponding reference list entries to demonstrate research where appropriate. You
should submit your report to Turnitin well in advance of the due date to ensure your
similarity does not exceed twenty per cent (20%) (for a submission including your
reference list). Note that:
• Turnitin scores for your report higher than 20% will be heavily penalised or
you can receive no marks for the assessment and could lead to a disciplinary
It is normal that your reference list is highlighted in Turnitin; this is acceptable and is
factored into the 20% threshold. It is not acceptable for whole sentences and paragraphs
to be highlighted. This usually indicates exact similarity with another source. If this
happens you must revise your work and resubmit. Note that you can resubmit your report
up until the submission deadline. Originality results can take up to twenty four hours to
process. Therefore, ensure you submit early so you can avoid problems at the last minute.
BCO6714 Computerised Accounting in an ERP Systems – Assessment Three Marking Guide
Minimal | Somewhat | Acceptable | Good | Excellent | |
Introduction *e.g. Opening paragraph describes why the report has been written, what it contains and defines key terms |
1 Introduction was unclear/invalid /omitted key definitions/did not introduce the topic* |
2 Introduction was unclear/invalid in part/ omitted key definitions/did not introduce all aspects of the topic * |
2.5 Introduction was generally clear, included some referenced definition/s and introduced the topic to an acceptable standard* |
4 Introduction was clear and introduced the topic using clear, good quality referenced definitions* |
5 Introduction was very clear and introduced the topic using high quality referenced definitions. Writing is of a professional standard* |
Discussion /Critical Analysis ^e.g. Provide a clear, structured discussion and analysis (compare and contrast the literature) of the topic. Cite quality journal articles and texts to underpin every point in your report. Use relevant business case studies to illustrate key points. |
2 Little evidence of critical analysis and understanding communicated/reference s and case studies are omitted/not used^ |
5 Some evidence of understanding and analysis communicated/ unclear in part/some of the aspects of the topic are not discussed/analysed/ references are incomplete, of poor quality or underutilized/mostly summary/little or no analysis of the literature/case studies not present, of poor quality or incomplete^ |
10 Depth of understanding and reflection is acceptable/the discussion is generally clear/a coherent analysis of the literature is presented. Most aspects of the topic are covered. Most key points are supported with Harvard citations and corresponding Harvard references demonstrating research. Relevant case studies are present and support most key points. ^ |
15 Depth of understanding and reflection meets expectations/the discussion is clear/a coherent, critical analysis of the literature is presented. All aspects of the topic are covered. Most key points are supported with quality Harvard citations and corresponding Harvard references demonstrating research. Several relevant, quality case studies support most key points. ^ |
20 Depth or understanding and analysis is of a professional standard/the discussion is clear and relevant/ a high quality, critical analysis of the literature is provided. All aspects of the topic are covered. All relevant information is presented with Harvard citations and corresponding high quality Harvard references demonstrating research. High quality case studies support all key points. ^ |
Conclusion #e.g. Closing paragraph/s summarise the key points presented in the report # |
.5 Conclusion was unclear/invalid / did not summarise the key topics discussed # |
1 Conclusion was unclear/invalid in part/did not summarise the key topics discussed # |
1.25 Conclusion was generally clear and summarised the key topics discussed # |
2 Conclusion was clear and summarise the key topics discussed # |
2.5 Conclusion was of a professional standard and summarise the key topics discussed # |
Presentation -e.g. Professional, consistent format that is free of errors – meaningful headings and sub headings are used. References and citations are provided in Harvard format. The file name, cover page and footer are present and match the assessment instructions. |
.5 There are major issues with length, consistency, layout, headings, use of font, spacing, Harvard format citations, references or structure – |
1 There are some issues with presentation in terms of length, consistency, layout, headings, use of font, spacing, citations /referencing or structure – |
1.25 Presentation is mostly consistent with only minor issues evident in terms of layout, headings, use of font, spacing, citations/referencing and structure – |
2 Presentation is consistent with only one or two minor issues evident in terms of layout, headings, use of font, spacing, citations/referencing and structure – |
2.5 Presentation is of a professional standard. The work is consistent and professional in length, layout, headings, use of font, spacing, citations/referencing and structure – |
Penalties | Up to 100% Dependent on the level copied material |
Late submission 10% of the total possible mark per day late |
Note that performance indicator descriptions are indicative only and are provided as a general guide. In some cases only part of the indicator description may apply for mark allocation. In
cases where indicator descriptions are varied, additional feedback will be provided.
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