Assessment Task 5 Reflective practice and creating a personal development 111,., (Report and Practical task)
Part B Devise a Personal-Development Plan
reflective practice. requires you to use in o ti • Formation that you have reviewed as part of your Part B oF • this assessment task rei the lry.ou have previously developed a personal-development plan or something similar,. you may submitithitsFa,_,‘ development For this assessment task. Read the instructions below in Part B. If your previous proFesstolna sAell -F a must be addressed to be deemed competent in this task. them to your p an. o the criteria plan is missing any of the points listed below, address these and add To complete this task you need to: 1. .Depvelop a professional selF-development plan based on the areas For improvement that you identified ttenmart A when you undertook reflective practice. You may use the Personal-Development Plan (P template provided in Appendix 1 or you may use a document that is used in the workplace or you may create your own.
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Write My Essay For Me- In your Personal-Development Plan (PDP) you must: 0 Devise a minimum of Four goals to assist you with your professional development over the next three months
These goals should Follow the SMART model or should have the Following details included: — Your goals need to be Specific — These goals must be Measureable — Your goals should be Achievable — Goals must be Realistic — They need to have clear Timeframes — What support you may need to make these goals happen — What aspects oiyour job that these goals relate to — Five ways you could take care ofyoursetr and mitigate against stress and/or other negative factors
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