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Annotated bibliography and executive summary for proposal



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For part of my proposal I will need to create an annotated bibliography and a summary of your proposal.

I have attached my problem statement and my proposal outline for reference on what my proposal is reagrding.


  1. Annotated Bibliography

    1. With my proposal and any other research that I conduct i will need to find resources to support my topic and then reference them in order to give credit where credit is due. In an annotated bibliography, each reference includes an additional summary that describes the content and explains why the source is useful. In your summary explain why the source is included in the bibliography. As you summarize each source, make sure you identify the main idea that will be highlighted. Construct your summary around the meaning and value of each source and establish a connection of the source to the proposal. You must distinguish credible and accurate types of materials to support the main concept of the proposal and recognize the context of your sources.

    2. For your annotated bibliography, include at least five sources, of which two must be from scholarly journals. To locate your sources, you will need to utilize effective search tools within the databases to distinguish relevant academic and professional sources. Use the databases in the library to locate the scholarly resources.




  2. Executive Summary



  1. With myoutline completed and a general idea of what my proposal will look like, take time now to develop a short Executive Summary. The executive summary is a one-page summary of what to expect in your paper highlighting the main points of your proposal. You should use the executive summary as a tool to get the reader intrigued so they want to read your proposal to get more information. To engage the reader, identify the purpose and use appropriate tone and usage for the audience. Consider addressing the situation and your audience’s views fairly and respectfully.

  2. As you summarize, be sure to convey the understanding and scope of the proposal. Give a thorough explanation of the proposal, and highlight relevant research to support the main idea.

  3. Your executive summary should be written as a professional document and should include these headings:

    1. Purpose

    2. Problem

    3. Solution or Plan mentioning your research

    4. Conclusion


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