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Accrual accounting system | Operations Management homework help

The Requirements for this assignment:


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  • Must be in APA format
  • Must have in-text citations which also match all sources listed in reference list (which must be complete and in other words a source in the reference list must be cited in the paper and if there is an in-text citation, the source of that citation must be in the reference list)
  • In-text citations and reference list must be in APA format
  • Must be plagiarism free
  • Must answer all questions completely
  • Any source used to help answer the questions must be cited within the work and listed in reference regardless if paraphrased in own words
  • Need back within 32 hours.
  • No word or page requirement but suggest about 600-800 words


Accrual Accounting System

The accrual accounting system is a standard system used by most businesses and is also the system used in the simulation. In relation to the rules of accrual accounting, consider the following questions:

  • How does the accrual accounting system impact the financial statements and the standing positions of firms in the simulation such that these may not reflect the true, long-term sustainability of the firms’ strategies?
  • What is being “unaccounted” for?
  • What contrasts are there between what is shown in cash flow statements and the need for firms to borrow at high rates and firms’ income statements?

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