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A patient is a 74 years old white male presented in the emergency room with a chief c/o right flank pain radiating to the lower abdomen associated with painful, burning urination and a foul-smelling

A patient is a 74 years old white male presented in the emergency room with a chief c/o right flank pain radiating to the lower abdomen associated with painful, burning urination and a foul-smelling

 A patient is a 74 years old white male presented in the emergency room with a chief c/o right flank pain radiating to the lower abdomen associated with painful, burning urination and a foul-smelling urine. Patient denies fever or chills. A urinalysis was done which showed a 3+ bacteria with a positive nitrite and elevated WBC. Intravenous pyelogram showed a 6.5 mm kidney stone in the right ureter. The patient is being treated with broad spectrum intravenous antibiotic and was scheduled for lithotripsy. Formulate a nursing care plan for this patient based on the problems presented. Provide a minimum of 3 (three) nursing problems.



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