Switch it to the past tense verbs . Instead of saying, “I am struggline with…” say “I struggled with…”
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Project Reflection
I was surprised because this is my first time to do a project like this specially in a writing class. At first I was asking myself is it going be hard for me or easy and interesting, a lot of different feeling heat me a that time. I was excited and a lot of ideas came to my mind. The hardest time was when it comes to choosing the subject.
Since my first topic was advertising I brainstormed a lot and I decided to go with the side effects of beauty products but after the meeting I was really inspired to choose a specific beauty product and I had choose Makeup Which I was everyday.
At first my audience were females but I realized that some males douse make up for example make up artists or celebrity or any one who apply make up on to theirs body.
My purpose is trying to warn of the chemical make up danger and its made of and to convince them that there is another perfect option to quit this products and to start buying or switching to organic which is much better and sometime cheaper.
I brainstormed a lot to get a good idea about what I am going to talk about the I did a tons of researchable make up organic and chemical what are differences where to find them? Why is bad ?And why is it good? Also who are the celebrity using organic make up I did a very detailed researched to make my project catchy and interesting I was enjoying that actually.
I decided to do a prize slideshows I liked the variety of things that I can do with my slides for example I can add music and I can add moves to my slide also I liked the program because it is simple and I can play with it with my own icons design this icons will help me to grab my audience attention.
I am struggling finding information about organic makeup in the databases also am still learning and watching a prize tutorials to get more information on how to use it and how apply more interactive things on my project also I didn’t decided what is my background music is and and I found a lot of interesting presentation background music that’s why it is hard for me to choose one. I think these are the only things that I am struggling with right now. At first I thought that Prize is a very hard software but after I saw some tutorial and after I applied what I learned on my own slideshows I found out that is not that hard and I can handle it.
I think the interesting simplicity of my project will help me to accomplish my purpose.
It is very interesting to see my ability of combining different type of media for example I design the icons on illustrator and then I insert it into prize and some times I do some photoshop editing and I think that will allow me to accomplish my goal of the project.
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